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So, Rise of the Tomb Raider is Xbox Exclusive now?


Well-Known Member
So for some reason I'm watching the Microsoft Conference at Gamescom, where they have just announced that "Rise of the Tomb Raider" will be a Xbox One exclusive!

Now I'm not sure if this means we'll be getting the game later on in the year or the following year as they said from memory "ROTTR will be coming exclusively on the Xbox One in 2015"

But if this is true and it isn't coming to PS4, I know myself and a lot of others will be pretty darn angry over this. Hopefully (maybe) at Sony's conference they will make this more clear...

EDIT: Here's an official article about it: http://www.technobuffalo.com/2014/08/12/rise-of-the-tomb-raider-launching-exclusively-on-xbox/
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, , Darkness, ,
It does suck that TR might be an Xbox Exclusive but I have more of an idea that it will be timed exclusive.

Many games that were 'Xbox Exclusive' turned out be merely timed such as Plants vs Zombies: GW


Well-Known Member
It does suck that TR might be an Xbox Exclusive but I have more of an idea that it will be timed exclusive.

Many games that were 'Xbox Exclusive' turned out be merely timed such as Plants vs Zombies: GW

That's what I think too (and hope).


Are you f***ing kidding me right now?

This doesn’t mean that we’re walking away from our fans who only play on PlayStation or on PC. Those are great systems, with great partners, and amazing communities. We have Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris coming to those platforms this December, and Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is available on PS4.

We know that there are probably many more questions and concerns. Please do send them to us, and we’ll answer to the best of our ability. Meanwhile we’re going all out to try and make something truly special - the most ambitious Tomb Raider game ever built.

I do not think I have ever been more upset about a game announcement. This better just be a timed thing... ugh; it has to be, it just has to be.



Well-Known Member
Are you f***ing kidding me right now?

I do not think I have ever been more upset about a game announcement. This better just be a timed thing... ugh; it has to be, it just has to be.


I feel bad now for bringing you this news lol.


New Member
According to reports its a 100% exclusive to the XboxOne

I just hope Sony announces at least ONE game for the PS4 today my LG G3 can't play lol


Well-Known Member
According to reports its a 100% exclusive to the XboxOne

I just hope Sony announces at least ONE game for the PS4 today my LG G3 can't play lol

Then why say it's coming to PS4 to begin with? Oh yeah that's right...



New Member
I admit that I was surprised to se this announcement but overall I'm not disappointed. I'm not a big fan of Tomb Raider so it's fine by me. Hey, at least it's Tomb Raider and not other more popular games.


New Member
Look on the bright side; we have Uncharted -I mean its the same game only with a dude...Sort of like Dude Raider!


New Member
Look on the bright side; we have Uncharted -I mean its the same game only with a dude...Sort of like Dude Raider!

Nah, Uncharted is going to be miles better than Tomb Raider. The Tomb Raider reboot was good and all but it's nowhere near Uncharted. I'm not salty, it's what I think about Tomb Raider. Let's see what Sony's Presser is going to announce later. I hope it's going to be a bigger announcement to drown out this Tomb Raider shenanigan.


New Member
This is crap...

You have exclusives that are made in house.

You have exclusives, like the recent Sunset Overdrive, where the developer gets to keep control of their product, so staying on one system makes sense.

You have exclusives, like Bayonetta 2, where one of the big companies helps fund the game which would have never been made otherwise.

With all of these I have no problem buying the game and is the reason I own all the major systems.

Then you have crap like this where one company pays to keep the game off other systems. This is complete anti-consumer shit. This is not helping the gamer. This is not creating exciting content for your fans. This is not making me want to support your company by hiring the most talented artist in the industry and giving them a chance to wow me. This is 100% complete mafia bullshit of taking out all competition and leaving me one single choice.

I can't believe how salty I am about this. UC4 will destroy TR and I hope SE cry themselves to sleep when they see their shitty sales >: D.


New Member
Xbox One is being outsold by the PS4 right now, and Microsoft has money they can throw at the problem.

Upsets like this can help turn the tide. I don't like it, and it isn't going to make me buy am Xbox One, but it is a good move for everyone involved. Even if it bothers PS4 only players.

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