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So, Rise of the Tomb Raider is Xbox Exclusive now?

Cpt Blackadder

New Member
Ain't made of money :D


Have a BBQ, $5 entrance fee, , put up a picture of Ian Botham, and have a circket bowling competition for $1 fee ( nearest his balls gets the 12 pack of fosters ) set up your PS3 with Don Bradman cricket, set up your PS4 with some more, get some sheila's round, crank up the music of INXS, Men Down under and Kylie...


A great party AND enough money to then buy your Xb1 and Tomb Raider :)


New Member
The problem is, it's still stupid. They covered this fact to show how stupid this whole thing is. If they had said "oh but you other lot can play the game 5 months later" then it wouldn't be effective. It just goes against kind practise and just annoys me. I would be pissed either way if Sony was doing it (albeit a bit less pissed as I could play it then).


New Member
I've waited until now to comment on this because I simply couldn't and wouldn't believe this was to be an 'all-time' exclusive to the XBox One. I knew there would be something more to this than the Tomb Raider franchise simply 'halting' on all other platforms given it's very long history on both Playstation and the PC...

So, it's been established that this is a 'timed' exclusive. I've had time to digest this information and I must say whilst it's not a disaster by any stretch of the imagination, I am highly annoyed and upset with both Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics. They are working with some sort of twisted, backward phycology. If anything, it's a 'no-brainer' that Sony that should be getting timed exclusivity. Think of how Tomb Raider become popular in the first place... They have just bitten the hand that created the franchise into what it is today and sorry, but their behaviour is unacceptable.

Of course I have absolutely no evidence to suggest this, but there must have been some serious 'golden handshake' going on for this to happen.

I have to be honest and say at this stage I really don't know what else to say. I have completed every Tomb Raider title that has been launched to date and I have absolutely no intention of getting an XBox One to simply play it before the majority of it's fanbase does. The majority of Tomb Raider's fanbase are now clearly second-class in the eyes of the developers and producers. Heck, why should we even buy it if that's their attitude? I'd love to see their reaction if the shelves of the PS4 and PC versions remain unsold. Shouting at them won't make them listen. Hitting them where it hurts, in their pockets, will. That's what I'm thinking at the moment...

My attitude may very well change or soften as time goes by, but at the moment this is how I stand.


New Member
I wouldn't imagine Playstation getting exclusives for the sake of 'Old Times'. It just doesn't really work like that. MS fans are pissed that Bungie made a deal with Sony for timed PS Destiny exclusives, but it's silly to think that a company would base major funding decisions off of who they made games for ten years ago, particularly when that company still has a sci-fi FPS exclusive franchise (the one you made). A whole game delayed is a little more serious, but I don't have a huge issue with it being a timed exclusive; it's annoying, but I'm not really a water-cooler gamer, and I don't mind waiting a little longer.

My biggest beef is with the way it was handled, and the condescending BS press release from SE.


New Member
Xbox exclusives are nothing more than a joke as they come to PC later down the line. If you leave a few games like Gears of War and Halo, everything else is also available on PC.


New Member
Xbox exclusives are nothing more than a joke as they come to PC later down the line. If you leave a few games like Gears of War and Halo, everything else is also available on PC.

The same can largely be said about Sony as well..


New Member
The same can largely be said about Sony as well..

Not exactly, it's rarely seen that with Sony exclusives. Most of their third party exclusives were never theirs in the first place. Those games belonged to other platforms before so it's not surprising to see those become multiplatforms. Unlike Microsoft, their exclusives come out first on their console but after a while, those exclusives go to the other platforms.


New Member
It's good to know that this is just a timed exclusive. Microsoft basically just wastes money on this since it's going to go to PC/PS4 eventually. No ones going to be so desperate to buy an Xbox just because they want to play Rise of the Tomb Raider. Even if it's forever exclusive, I still don't see people buying the Xbox One.


New Member
I think the deal could be similar to like Dead Rising. That game wasn't released on other consoles but its sequels were so maybe it is just a one game timed exclusive or something.


New Member
It's good to know that this is just a timed exclusive. Microsoft basically just wastes money on this since it's going to go to PC/PS4 eventually. No ones going to be so desperate to buy an Xbox just because they want to play Rise of the Tomb Raider. Even if it's forever exclusive, I still don't see people buying the Xbox One.

I agree with you that one game isn't enough to sell a console, but it is one more pro to possibly tip the scales for someone that is on the fence about which console to get. Now, probably not so much with timed exclusives but this type of thing in general. Release date, bundles, price point, exclusives, hard disk space, blah blah blah the list goes on.


New Member
Pssh, this is a timed exclusive just like the last few xbone exclusives.. It'll come out on PS4 and PC within 6 months.. Square Enix likes to port there games to any platform they can..

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