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Ex Microsoft fan boy!

Pedro funk

New Member
I have been an xbox fan boy since 2006 but finally had enough of the xbox cash cow!!!

I picked up an xbox one at launch but not long after my disc drive started playing up. It got so bad that I returned it and was given a brand new console. Normally this would be great but unfortunately when I got home and waited an hour for the update to install, I tried to put a game inside well the noise was unbelievable, worse than my original!!!

For me this was the final straw, I had also owned 6 or 7 360's over the years due to poor build quality. So I took it back and swapped the lot for PS4.

I'm pleased I did because no more will I be shouting at my TV trying to get my bloody console to do things.

I'm also finding the change quite refreshing because since my days on ps2 (before online play really took off) I've not given playstation a second look so it feel's like I've just got into gaming!


I also was an Xbox snob despite owning far too many broken ones, welcome to the site.


, , The Enforcer, ,
Welcome to the forum Pedro funk.
Yeah,we have many xbox converts here. Some still have both consoles but they know in their heart the PS4 is the best :eek:

Pedro funk

New Member
I look forward to it.
Can anybody suggest games that will help me get used yo the ps controller? I'm defiantly fumbling along at the moment.
If I played multiplayer I would get my arse handed to me!!


New Member
Welcome to the playstation family and forum! You missed out on a lot of really good games last generation :D. Are you planning on playing any of those? The Last of Us PS4 would be the perfect start ;)

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