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Did you ever have a PSP? If so what happened to it?


New Member
Actually I bough a PSP Go recently, despite having a Vita and 3DS. I bought it mainly for emulators and for plating some of the games not available in Vita PS Store.


New Member
I have one. Well, sorry I had one. I have no idea where it has gone, and I don't think I've seen it in quite some time truthfully. I keep meaning to have a proper raring out to look for it, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Which is a shame since I had it set up for emulation and there were a ton of GBA games on there that I was looking forward to playing.


New Member
My brother had one but by the time I decided to try it out he managed to trash it. Handheld isn't my thing anyway so it was not a big deal; he is an idiot to begin with so it was no surprise that he ruined it.


New Member
I had one, but I never really did anything with it, sadly. I don't even remember what games I had for it. It's still around here somewhere, I just don't exactly know where.


New Member
I actually did have a PSP. I used to play it a lot when I had first gotten it , but I didn't play it for to long. The thing is the PSP was good for a while but it was not something that I could see that would be around for a long time. Right now I think if I really looked that I would be able to find my PSP. I don't know if it still works though because I have not played it for so long.

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