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Did you ever drop it? Is it sturdy?


New Member
Mine survived a house fire. It literally looks like it went to hell and back, and even survived a few falls - about 4 feet - but it still runs strong! The console is completely melted, but it's still good!
Funny thing is, the warranty sticker and the serial sticker is still intact, no scuffing, scarring, or melting!


New Member
Are you talking about the PS4 or the Nintendium?

I'm talking about the PS4. But as an IT Tech, I can tell you this: TRY not to drop the PS4 while it's on. The hard drive (if still spinning and the arm hasn't retracted) can be destroyed. Hard drives are exactly like old vinyl record players - only much smaller. So if the needle (which is less than half the width of a hair) slides across your hard disks, it can scratch them, making them impossible to use. If you're planning on dropping it alot, I would recommend that you go buy a SSD (solid state hard drive) and pop that bad boy in there - if you know what you're doing. But otherwise, my PS4 has handled drops quite well. There have been some problems with PS3 chips slipping due to hot solder and hard impact, and I haven't cracked open the PS4 that far yet - only thing I've done is extend the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth range. So I'd be careful, but don't go crying to Sony when you do drop it. It may just be okay. If you drop it while it's hot (no pun intended), I would recommend waiting until it's cooled down before you fire it up again.


New Member
I know that you must not drop while it is open but sh*t has happened today. I have dropped it... And guess what? It doesn't show a single scratch!


New Member
That is what i do. i do not like having cords sticking out of my system People could trip over them, and hurt themselves. Or knock my console on the floor, that is even worse. Lol, Dropping your console on the floor is the worst thing you can do. Especially if you have a game in it,

If a disc is in your console when it falls, that game is done. It is going to be scratched beyond repair.

I agree with this. Then again my console is in the bedroom so there's rarely a case anyone should be crossing in front of me to do anything. If it was in the living room I remove the cord while playing and use a wall charger. I'd rather not use a wall charger, but people just don't believe in being aware of stuff below their line of sight.

Mine survived a house fire. It literally looks like it went to hell and back, and even survived a few falls - about 4 feet - but it still runs strong! The console is completely melted, but it's still good!
Funny thing is, the warranty sticker and the serial sticker is still intact, no scuffing, scarring, or melting!

That's good that it still runs--especially after a fire.


New Member
Well I don't even have a PS4 but sony has always been really good at "Sturdyness" I've had the three first versions of PS1 PS2 and PS3.

All three of them succumbed to my eagerness to dissasemble them whenever they outlasted their lifespan and started failing. the three systems were quite sturdy. Don't think i can say the same for the slim versions, but out of rage cause the bluray on my PS3 died just when i was about to finish Dragon's Dogma (figures, bought it on 2008), I smashed it against the floor various times, kept working, still using it as a netflix player. (HDMI Stopped working tho, using A-V, but i think that happened before the smashing)

I can only assume Sony is still following their standards design wise and the PS4 should be able to withstand the occasional accident as long as it's not TOO hard.


New Member
I've never considered Sony good at sturdiness. They tend to make devices with a lot of parts inside and little ability to absorb shock. If your console is on the floor and flat as its been mentioned before your PS is okay. Sit it upright on floor level the risk goes up a little bit more depending on how hard the floor is.

Now you go putting it on a dresser with no cushions on the floor below it's best to have cash handy to purchase another console.

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