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Did you ever have a PSP? If so what happened to it?


New Member
I actually got mine quite shortly after the release in the bundle with vice city stories and I still own it to this day. Some really great games came out on the PSP and the multiplayer was always the strongest side for me. Nowadays I had it chipped by a friend and I only really use it for emulators. What about you?


New Member
Mine got lost, but it was beat up by the time that it was lost, so I wasn't too sad about it. I'd love to be able to buy another one brand new if it were still available, to be honest. I loved tinkering around with the PSP and installing add ons on it. My only real problem with it was that it had a crappy browser that can't even play Youtube videos.


New Member
It is on my dresser next to my Vita, my GBA, my Gameboy Pocket, my Gameboy Color, my DS, and my 3DS. Hmm... yeah I have a slight problem. I'm not going to work on it, but I will admit I have a slight problem. That said if I open the first drawer of my dresser I should find it filled with games. I wonder how much I could make if I sold all of them at once?


New Member
I never had one. I don't like handheld consoles at all, I don't even want to think about that I played with the old Game Boy when I was a kid.

But I won't deny that there surely are some great games and game concepts for the PSP. There just is no console without groundbreaking games and something new being added to the game community. So maybe I should say that I don't like playing handheld consoles but what I do like is them participating in evolving the video game culture.

Clark Wayne

New Member
Yeah I ha silver PSP, I think it was the 2001 edition. It was definitely a fun handheld gaming experience as many of my favorite games were on the system. For example, I spent countless hours playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep and Dissdia Final Fantasy 1 and 2. I eventually had to sell it on Craigslist because at the time, I really needed the money. I do miss it sometimes though.


New Member
It's still alive and kicking, thanks to God and to responsible handling. I still load and play games on it. I'm currently playing Harvest Moon Back to Nature in Expert mode. It's a really nice way to pass the time, as it allows me to play simple games like Bejeweled and Sudoku. It has become somewhat a tool to procrastinate on work, but it's still serviceable and very much appreciated.


New Member
It got barrowed by one of my Mom's boyfriend's friends and got pawned. I got a Ratchet and Clank PSP (it was white) and I got it for Christmas, 2008. It got pawned in July, 2009. I only had it for 7 months and I never had a PSP since.


New Member
Guy would've been buying me another PSP. I really hate it when people borrow something of yours then decide they have automatic permission to loan your stuff out. That's what happened to my Legend of Zelda: OoT gold cart in 7th grade. I let someone else borrow it, gave them a week to play it and they were like "Oh I'm stuck on X dungeon."

"...that's not my problem, you had a week plus a weekend. I wasn't giving it to you to finish in whatever time you can. I finished Nightmare Creatures, now I want my OoT back :mad:" I eventually got it back after chasing him down after Wood Shop (where we mainly played Wolf 3D and Duke Nukem 2) and holding him headfirst over a toilet, but I shouldn't have needed to go that route.

End micro-rant.


New Member
I regularly play Gran Turismo, God of War and MLB 2k3 on my PSP. Plus I have another PSP with CFW on which I play 16 bit games via emulation.


New Member
The only games I had for the PSP were the two Star Ocean remakes. Lately though, I no longer play the PSP since I've lost interest in it. Also, I think the battery on my PSP is already out of date such that I will have to constantly plug my PSP into a power outlet.


New Member
I owned a PSP back when I was in high school. I ended up selling it because it wasn't that fun to me anymore. I felt most of the titles released for the PSP were very bland and empty.


New Member
I borrowed one for awhile but never have owned one. It was interesting when I first started playing with it but over time I found that I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.


New Member
I still have 2 but the batteries are shot. I got one right after launch that is still flawless and the other one was given to me because the UMD drive was broken. I fixed it by CFW and lots of homebrew. It was basically an NESP instead of a PSP.

The reason the broken one was given to me.... wait for it.... the memory cards were too expensive to not have a UMD drive! 512mb cards were like $50 if I remember correctly. I remember I thought I was awesome because I had a 4gb card (too bad it cost me an arm and a leg). Annnnnnnnnd now I am having flashbacks to last month when I sold a kidney for my Vitas 64gb card.


New Member
Lost mine in the move sadly but I got a new one for super cheap just so I could play the fan translation of Final Fantasy Type-0 (which is AWESOME!!!!)


New Member
One of my favorite handheld consoles of all time. I still go back to it from time to time. It's not as much fun as Vita is now though.


New Member
I've been thinking about getting one. Sadly since Sony discontinued them the price here went from $69 to $150 lol

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