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Real name instead of psn


New Member
Anyone else has their real name showing up instead of psn user name when racing online? This happens only when i play drive club. It got fixed for a few minutes earlier today but it is back to real name again tonight. Also anyone else have trouble hearing the first 10 or so unlocked cars? It seems collision sounds are much much louder. Needs to be balanced. Have a good drive.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else has their real name showing up instead of psn user name when racing online? This happens only when i play drive club. It got fixed for a few minutes earlier today but it is back to real name again tonight. Also anyone else have trouble hearing the first 10 or so unlocked cars? It seems collision sounds are much much louder. Needs to be balanced. Have a good drive.

It happened to me when I first played it but then it fixed itself and showed my PSN ID instead. I think it had to do with the DriveClub servers (which have been very iffy since launch) But it's ok. If it does show your full name online, others won't see it. They'll see your PSN ID instead.


New Member
It happened to me when I first played it but then it fixed itself and showed my PSN ID instead. I think it had to do with the DriveClub servers (which have been very iffy since launch) But it's ok. If it does show your full name online, others won't see it. They'll see your PSN ID instead.

Thanks Haze, still waiting for it to correct itself... and for some reason since Sunday ( yesterday) it has been impossible to join any multiplayer games anyway. Hopefully they are working on it.


, , Darkness, ,
Odd glitch but Driveclub has been one annoying fail after another. I'm glad I didn't spend money on it.
My real name is on full i don't mind PS4 users knowing my first & surname P.S i can't understand why everyone's getting Driveclub as it's just a racing game The Crew you can drive the entire North to South United States or vice versa i'm just saying i'm not having a go at anyone for getting Driveclub
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New Member
Actually Driveclub has been much better past few days. It is a really great racing experience in my opinion. It looks and plays beautiful. Getting online is much easier and smoother now. Single player is a challenge cause ai are tough to pass but if you use simple driving tactics it should be no problem even though it might take few tries, which gives it replay value. Hmm i have been having a blast with it hope when ps+ edition comes people will realize what a great game this is. The name thing fixed itself few days ago. Also now you can have team races, red against blue. Cars look gorgeous and you really feel the speed when racing. This game had a rough start but i think it is Difinitly improving every day.


, , The Enforcer, ,
Yeah,apparently its getting better all the time according to the devs too.
But still no word on when the PS+ ed will be available.


Well-Known Member
Yeah,apparently its getting better all the time according to the devs too.
But still no word on when the PS+ ed will be available.

I would guess around November. Can't imagine it'll be up before the end of this month.

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