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PS4 Real Name Ban



I have a person on my friends list that changed his name to fXXk XXXXX hitler XXXX slurper (no joke). I took extreme offence to this even if it was his idea as a joke. I reported him for having an offensive real name. A few minutes later he changed back to his real name after I reported him. Then again a few minutes later he changed his real name to ...edited.... Again I found this extremely offensive and reported him and again he changed his name back a few minutes later.

I want to make sure he is caught for this and find it absolutely disgusting that he may get away with this sort of behaviour will Sony take notice of this complaint and ban such a user?

I apologise for writing such language, however I did not know any other way to get across how disgusting this individual is.

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, , The Enforcer, ,
I get it,but still had to edit your post.

I can assure other it was very offensive though.

Anyway,other than what you have done not sure what else you can do other than to inform Sony what he is doing.
I mean all he needs to do is create another account anyway right,if he does get banned from PSN?


New Member
I have a person on my friends list that changed his name to fXXk XXXXX hitler XXXX slurper (no joke). I took extreme offence to this even if it was his idea as a joke. I reported him for having an offensive real name. A few minutes later he changed back to his real name after I reported him. Then again a few minutes later he changed his real name to ...edited.... Again I found this extremely offensive and reported him and again he changed his name back a few minutes later.

I want to make sure he is caught for this and find it absolutely disgusting that he may get away with this sort of behaviour will Sony take notice of this complaint and ban such a user?

I apologise for writing such language, however I did not know any other way to get across how disgusting this individual is.


Why do you care anyway? you reported him, and he edited his name. To me the problem is solved.
Since the names are censored i dont know what did he put as his name, did he offend you directly or did you just find his name offensive in general?


Sniper Kitten
Staff member
Idiots will be idiots. If it bothers you that much, report him and delete him. Easy as that.


I Shall Finish The Game
Sounds like a attempt at a forced name change. Don't think it's going to go the way they think though.

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