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Typing Games


New Member
My grandfather (almost 80 years old) is trying to learn to type so that he can type out his novel. I think he could really benefit from some sort of typing game. What do you think? What kinds of games are available?


New Member
I am not sure of any specific typing game, but there has to be one out there. I remember, when I was in high school, playing a typing game in computer class. There were games and tests, and to tell the truth, it did not help my typing skills. Maybe you can get him a program he speaks into, and it types for him. I am not sure if a program like that is available, but it might be.

Lady Katamari

New Member
I recall seeing some free online typing games. You might do a Google search, and find one for him. I do not know, if
any of the typing games are good, so you will just have to test them out.


New Member
Somebody recommended Mavis Beacon to me. I think I am going to download that for him and see how it works. It might work for him and if not, maybe he can see if somebody else will type it for him. I have also seen some Disney typing games that look cute but maybe for a younger age group.


New Member
I remember doing a Mavis Beacon thing before! It helped me get faster at typing, as I remember, and I think it works for both older and younger people.


New Member
It's be easier if he just found a site that let him practice timed tests. The games I've seen and played end up going too fast and it really doesn't improve your general typing skills because it's one letter at a time.


New Member
I'm not sure if it was a game more than an exercise, but we typed rhyming words. The idea was to get practice and develop speed with certain letter sequences. For instance, we would type fall, hall, small, call, wall, ball, etc. You could do the same thing with lots of words. The main thing is to be consistent with the position of your hand on the typewriter or keyboard and always use the same finger for typing any given key.


New Member
Typing games? I'm afraid I don't know too many of those. Have you tried "Mario Teaches Typing"? I remember seeing something with that name in an internet café some months ago... However, I don't quite see how a senior citizen is going to improve his typing skills by playing a game...


New Member
He is the kind of person who needs the repetition to learn, or so he says, and he thinks that's why a game will work for him. He gets bored when he is just sitting there trying to type. I think a game or program that helps him learn repeated actions will be helpful. They worked for me when I was younger but I'm sure there has to be something geared toward an older audience that has to be just right.


My grandfather (almost 80 years old) is trying to learn to type so that he can type out his novel. I think he could really benefit from some sort of typing game. What do you think? What kinds of games are available?
Your right! I agree with you that typing games are very helpful to learn typing. I think he should play word games in Typing Master pro.
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New Member
Probably not the best suggestion ever, but Scribblenauts is definitely worth playing if you want something typing-based with pretty unique wonky gameplay.


New Member
CLEARLY this man should be learning how to type by playing all the Typing of the Dead games. Nothing like killing some soulless zombies while learning how to effectively use the home row on your keyboard!


New Member
When I was younger, I used to play this game where you are like a rocket ship or something, and random words are coming towards you, and you need to spell them out to destroy them. If they reach you you are dead. But I can't remember the name. :/

Anyone knows what I'm talking about?


New Member
I highly recommend The Typing of the Dead. Its one of my favorite arcade shooter games but instead of using a gun to shoot things you have to type out the words and quick sentences. I still haven't learned to touch-type but years of PC gaming allow me to type pretty fast anyway, But I use that game to brush up on my touch typing and someday I might actually make the switch. There are tons of videos online of the game in action so you should totally check it out.


New Member
I think the best way for him to succeed and learn quickly, is searching online sites that offer typing classes. This is because they usually offer them per timed conditions that ensure the learner would get in touch within the shortest time possible.

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