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PS4Forum upgraded to xenForo 2.1!


Staff member
Do not be alarmed! I know the skin is gone for the moment, but I'll fix it as soon as possible.

You are now on the latest version of xenForo. This has been teased for months. It's been in beta for months now (since September 2018, in fact.) I've already installed the latest version of Tapatalk before today's xenForo 2.1 release. In this release, there are major changes to not just the backend of the software, but also from the front facing part of the site.

You'll notice that there's reactions on the bottom of each post, they are similar to Facebook's reactions system.
You'll also notice that you're getting notifications no matter where you're viewing the forum from (except iOS devices, because Apple).

Here are some of the updates from xenForo themselves.

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