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PS4-PS5 games


New Member
Hello all hope you are well.

Quite a few months ago I purchased a PS5, my PS4 games were saved to cloud. When I download those games all of my game play history has gone so I have to start from the beginning, is this normal? It's just a shame that I can not continue from where I left off with all the in game perks, accessories and trophies ect.

If any one is able to help me I will very grateful.

All the best.


Staff member
Hello all hope you are well.

Quite a few months ago I purchased a PS5, my PS4 games were saved to cloud. When I download those games all of my game play history has gone so I have to start from the beginning, is this normal? It's just a shame that I can not continue from where I left off with all the in game perks, accessories and trophies ect.

If any one is able to help me I will very grateful.

All the best.
The cloud saves if I understand it from your story the cloud save you uploaded is to the PS4 version of the cloud save system. And to be fair, each version of that game is a new "license." So, using the save file from PS4, on PS5 version ain't gonna work, because its a new "license."

Hope that makes sense.


New Member
The cloud saves if I understand it from your story the cloud save you uploaded is to the PS4 version of the cloud save system. And to be fair, each version of that game is a new "license." So, using the save file from PS4, on PS5 version ain't gonna work, because its a new "license."

Hope that makes sense.
It does make sense and thank you for your reply. It's a shame to lose all the content though.


Staff member
It does make sense and thank you for your reply. It's a shame to lose all the content though.
No problem...
Hello all hope you are well.

Quite a few months ago I purchased a PS5, my PS4 games were saved to cloud. When I download those games all of my game play history has gone so I have to start from the beginning, is this normal? It's just a shame that I can not continue from where I left off with all the in game perks, accessories and trophies ect.

If any one is able to help me I will very grateful.

All the best.
If I may, what game are you trying to play? Are we talking about Call of Duty, here?


Hello all hope you are well.

Quite a few months ago I purchased a PS5, my PS4 games were saved to cloud. When I download those games all of my game play history has gone so I have to start from the beginning, is this normal? It's just a shame that I can not continue from where I left off with all the in game perks, accessories and trophies ect.

If any one is able to help me I will very grateful.

All the best.
Mine worked fine - had all my saved data. I don't have it in front of me right now but when you go into that saved data for PS4 in the cloud, there's the main directory file but to the right, are the specific files belonging to that game so make sure you click on all those files, not just the main one and pull them all down into your PS5. All my saved stuff was there.


New Member
Hello all hope you are well.

Quite a few months ago I purchased a PS5, my PS4 games were saved to cloud. When I download those games all of my game play history has gone so I have to start from the beginning, is this normal? It's just a shame that I can not continue from where I left off with all the in game perks, accessories and trophies ect.

If any one is able to help me I will very grateful.

All the best.
I'm with ya! I just made the switch from PS4 Pro to PS5 a few days ago and the frustration I am having with my PS4 game saves is beyond frustrating and I am almost ready to sell the ps5 and go back to the Pro. Seems no matter where I download the ps4 save data from....( cloud, console or external drive) the ps4 games all say there is no save data. I have been trying for days to get this figured out and just at my wits end....

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