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Nerd Scream: Has it ever happened to you?


New Member
For those that might not have an idea what it is,although I bet all of you guys know,you can go to youtube and search for 'Method nerd scream' or 'Blood Legion nerd scream' . After dying and failing for the same boss for days at same time,trying to get the world first kill, a lot of these guys take their gaming pretty seriously. I do love watching the final boss kill because they have to rely on just enough gears to get by so it can get pretty intense at the end where there's plenty of moment 'to kill or to be killed' so when they get it,it's insane nerd scream.

I've never REALLY had nerd scream but I did have a lot of moment where the boss is only 4 percent left,I'd start to go 'oh shit oh shit are we gonna kill it' and when it died I'd well..just yelp? lol .I only have NERD SCREAM moment in WOW raiding.

How bout you,is there any game you play that you've been stuck at same point for a while and when you get it,you release your nerd scream?which game would it be?


New Member
I have had these moments, but not on WoW. I played Tera for a while and I would have to kill boss monsters every now and then for tasks/gold. I'm not going to lie it's a great feeling of accomplishment, the least you could do is scream in joy.


New Member
I scream more in the opposite direction. Failing consistently at one specific moment can really catch my nerves. When I complete something that has been bothering me, a fist pump and a flipping of the bird usually suffices.


New Member
I have never had a nerd scream. I will get angry and yell sometimes, but I try to be more composed when I play. I like a challenge in my games and I may get mad and yell, but I always have fun playing. The games I yell at the most are my Soul Caliber games. I get to the end and I have the final bosd beat, then he pulls the unexpected and I lose. That makes me angry enough to yell at it then try again. When I win I do a victory yell and sometimes a fist pump.


New Member
Haha I guess I would just yell and get mad when I use to play COD but I still had fun, I just got really into the game sometimes. :rolleyes:


Professional Escapologist
I restart whatever i just lost and try again until i beat it. And who is that much of a casual that needs to scream to get better at something?
And the word "nerd" lost the sense 15 years ago and anyone who says it nowadays really pisses me off.


New Member
I did this too, and I never thought I would ever, to be honest, as I always kept relatively calm during video games. The only game that was able to make me scream was Left 4 Dead 2, and I'd usually shout at my friends whenever I would get caught by a zombie, especially the really menacing ones.


New Member
I had a few while playing Resident Evil Code Veronica. While trying to fight the Monster on the airplane. The time and attempts I put in were pretty unreal. Had it down 3 times to around 4 percent, then would get trucked.


I had a completely different idea of what a nerd scream entailed until I read further. I had something in my mind that was NOT what I read.

Anywho, I think it is more a case of having anger issues. Getting so frustrated and absorbed by the game happens to me when I care about the game because of time invested. Walking away seems to help. Coming back to the game later helps give you a better perspective. I don't know that when I accomplish it I 'nerd scream'. maybe I nerd smirk to myself?


New Member
Not really. But I do remember drowning after my car flipped off a bridge in Vice City after I had done 3 very difficult missions in a row and was actually going to save the whole damn thing. I did get extremely pissed off then and simply shut down my computer and went out the room. Screaming is just too dramatic. :p

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