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Is The PlayStation Vita Worth It?


New Member
I am just wondering if people are still buying the PlayStation Vita. I haven't seen any news or significant games for it.

Is the PlayStation Vita worth it?


New Member
Given the current state of gaming on smartphones and the wide variety of games available on the Apple App Store and Android Market I don't think it's worth it. It doesn't fill enough of a niche between phones and consoles and I don't think there needs to be a middle ground. It has a few exclusive titles sure, but I don't see a PS VITA offering great value for money if you already have a smartphone and a console.


New Member
I would like to get one but I am also struggling to justify buying it as there is just not enough decent software that I would like being released for it at the moment.
I would have already bought one if Call of Duty Classified was any good but I played it on a friends and it suck so bad,I suppose I will wait for the release of Killzone.


New Member
I think it is worth it because the games and graphics are great. It's a good option for a handheld portable gaming device, and in terms of entertainment I think it surpasses the Nintendo DS by quite a long shot.


Professional Escapologist
This is a small list i have, does anything interest you?

Must Buy:
>Ys: Foliage Ocean in Celceta
>Persona 4 Golden
>Gravity Rush
>Soul Sacrifice
>Malicious Rebirth
>Muramasa Rebirth
>Wipeout 2048
>Touch My Katamari
>Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
>Dragon's Crown

>Dead or Alive 5 Plus
>Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable
>Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
>Atelier Totori Plus
>Disgaea 3

>Mind Zero
>God Eater 2
>Phantasy Star Online 2 Special Package
>Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F
>Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

Even if it does, i would recommend you to wait for E3 for a price drop or a new model or something that Sony is planning.


New Member
This is a small list i have, does anything interest you?

Must Buy:
>Ys: Foliage Ocean in Celceta
>Persona 4 Golden
>Gravity Rush
>Soul Sacrifice
>Malicious Rebirth
>Muramasa Rebirth
>Wipeout 2048
>Touch My Katamari
>Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
>Dragon's Crown

>Dead or Alive 5 Plus
>Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable
>Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
>Atelier Totori Plus
>Disgaea 3

>Mind Zero
>God Eater 2
>Phantasy Star Online 2 Special Package
>Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F
>Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

Even if it does, i would recommend you to wait for E3 for a price drop or a new model or something that Sony is planning.

Only five of the titles you listed interested me to be honest. The graphics may be great or better than the ds. Though, from what I have learn after a ton of games. Is that the graphics don't matter and is the last thing you should base a game on. Sure you may play it and be all "wow". Though, when you are done it will leave you with a "meh" look on your face.


Professional Escapologist
Only five of the titles you listed interested me to be honest. The graphics may be great or better than the ds. Though, from what I have learn after a ton of games. Is that the graphics don't matter and is the last thing you should base a game on. Sure you may play it and be all "wow". Though, when you are done it will leave you with a "meh" look on your face.

Well, opinions i guess. I had more than 170+ hours from Monster Hunter alone when i had a PSP, and the games that i want for the PSVita are something like that, so i know i will have fun with what i paid for.


New Member
I think the PS Vita is worth it. It doesn't have the lineup of games that the 3DS or DS has but it can stand pretty good on its own. If Sony would give the Vita a lot more focus, it would certainly have more killer games. But as for now, the company is busy polishing up the PS4. Maybe we will just have to wait a little while before quality games keep flowing to the handheld.


New Member
I can see how you burned up +170hrs on Monster Hunter as I tried to play it recently it took me all day just to do the training lol
I know friends have told me to stick with it as it gets better but I find it far to slow.
Back on topic though Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Senior Manager, Shahid Kamal Ahmad, has teased on his twitter account last week that the PS Vita will be receiving a huge game.
he tweeted: Oh and there is an AMAZING big title coming to Vita. I can’t tell you anything about it, except that you are gonna be hooked for hours.
I wonder what it could be?


New Member
I think it that is dependent on the quality of games for the Vita. I think if you feel the Vita has a good lineup of games that interest you, you should get it. If it does not, don't get it. Haha. Simple.

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