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Is PlayStation Plus even worth it?


New Member
I personally have never subscribed to PlayStation Plus. It just doesn't seem worth it to me. I really think they should have greater discounts on items that they currently do, and more free downloadable items also. PlayStation Plus has never appealed much to be because there is a lack of content that seems worth it. What are your thoughts on PS Plus? Worth it or not?


Well-Known Member
I think PS Plus is worth it. The games on the instant game collection are good quality titles most of the time. The discounts are good too most of the time (well, compared to the Xbox Marketplace it's a steal!)

I understand there are some that aren't interested in PS Plus and don't think it's worth, but for me, it's been worth it.


Professional Escapologist
I got 3 months after getting 2 for free by coupons, and with those 5 months, i got around 150$ in games that i wanted to play, and all of that only cost me 15$, now you do the math.
It's all a matter of you liking the games they offer and what do you want to buy from the store.


New Member
I've never gotten on it, but from the looks of it, it does seem like a pretty good deal. It's not too expensive, and from what I've read/heard, you get many free games not only for PS3 but also for Vita, and you don't really need to install or even download the games and instead just keep collecting them and keep them at bay for when you do want to play them. The only downside is that once you stop paying the subscription, then the free games will cease to be available to play, but they will remain on your account for when you re-subscribe/re-activate. Personally, I'd say it's worth it and I plan on subscribing soon.


New Member
Its very much worth it considering you get a lot of free games, discounts, exclusive demos, and other perks. The only thing I don't like about it now is that you have to have it in order to play multiplayer online. Yeah, its a loss but nowhere near as big of a loss that an Xbox fan has to endure. lol


New Member
I will make this short and simple. This month alone you will receive for the PS3- XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Deus Ex, and also Uncharted 3, and that isn't even including the free PS Vita games.


New Member
I think so, but that's me. I had a month's free trial and was able to play a few full-length, and quality games, absolutely free. If you have a year's subscription there's much more potential for playing free games. Then, if you buy games or other content digitally, there are a lot of discounts on good games that you can take advantage of (and there are regular sales, so you may decide to wait and see if something you want will go on sale later). I'd say it pays for itself.

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