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Did you like the 2D GTA games?


New Member
The overhead view also didn't work when there were pile ups while driving. With the 3D GTA games you could drive around that easily.


New Member
I actually really loved the old 2d GTA games. Much like the newer games they were just good dumb fun. Obviously I think that the newer games had a lot more to do in them and are more fleshed out, as they should be. The older GTA games you can just hop into and mess around with for a while. I never really worried about completing the story in them.


New Member
I think they were okay for the time period. I don't think if you played it now, the game would not look as great.


New Member
I'm not so sure If I liked them, maybe I'm biased because I was introduced to GTA III first. But I played the previous 2D GTA games and they have they're own charm, I mean its pretty fun to play but it just doesn't suit me I guess, I'm not really a fan of the birds-eye view camera angle, but the games are pretty decent. Chinatown Wars was pretty good, but I didn't enjoyed it as much the first ones


New Member
I have never played any of the 2D GTA games. In fact, my exposure to the GTA series started with Vice City and later with San Andreas, and until today these two GTA games are the ones which I really appreciate. I guess I'm a nostalgic fellow when it comes to these games, and I've taken a liking to the voices of the characters, from Sonny Forelli to Tenpenny.


New Member
I have the 2D GTA games in my Steam account and I tried one of them (think it was the second) a couple of weeks ago and played for 30 minutes before shutting it down. I didn't like it at all. Driving cars is not very fun due to the limited view distance that makes crashing way too easy.

Someday I will give them another shot but I was not impressed.


New Member
I remember the first time I seen the 2D GTA games, it was some book/cd store that sold PC games and they had GTA 1 GTA 2 and GTA London I think it was called, I knew nothing of the GTA series, but looked on the back and was floored and how cool it looked, which at that time when it was only on PC was way ahead of anything on consoles. Never did manage to play those GTA 2D PC games.

I'm thinking it was on PS1, but I remember renting GTA 2, it was fun for the time, not hardly as fun as I expected it to be. But I'm not sure as to why, maybe because Dreamcast was already out by the time GTA was released for PS1 so by then the graphics were behind the times, I'm not sure maybe someone could agree to disagree on that.


New Member
I liked them when they came out, they were immensely fun compared to the rest of the games available at the time.
Sure they don't hold up nowadays but it's a different time.


New Member
I thought the first Grand Theft Auto's were pretty fun to play even though they were only 2D. It still had a lot of the fun you would see in the later 3D versions like rampages and adrenaline. After playing the 3D versions though, I don't think i can go back.


New Member
I had GTA 2 for PS2 and I do not remember what the object of the game was because I was still so young at that time, but I remember driving the cars around and watching my older brother play. I never had an attachment to them like I have with San Andres and the other more recent ones.


New Member
back then they were cool but now there just memories and classic games. you just cant compare it to the new gtas now.


New Member
Who doesn't love the old 2D games? Especially GTA: London. Actually, I'm going to go get that right now that I've remembered about it.

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