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Your Latest TV Series You Love To Watch


New Member
After just finishing watching The Walking Dead Series 3 (and having to wait until the end of the year for the 4th series to start airing), What other TV show series would you guys suggest or that you watch?

I've started watching the first few episodes of Warehouse 13 on Netflix and I'm loving it so far ;) I just wish I have more spare time to sit down and watch a good few episodes in one chunk together rather than in my hectic life just watching one now and again.

What are you guys watching now?
Been watching Arrested Development Season 4. So far so good. Great to see the Bleuth family back.

Other then that, nothing. Unfortunately my favourite show of all time ended a couple of weeks ago (The Office) So I'm on the hunt for something to replace it. Good luck to me.
I'm waiting for what is now Futurama's last season to start sometime this month. I hope they give it a proper sendoff, at least, since this is only the second time it's been canceled. It clearly isn't about the ratings, since its ratings have been some of the highest for the network. The new seasons haven't been quite the same, but they were still really good and I'm going to miss seeing new episodes.
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Game of Thrones has me hooked, as does Walking Dead. Too bad Game of Thrones doesn't come back till March and Walking Dead till October. I hate waiting!
I would have to say right now, my favorite series on TV is Breaking Bad. The final season of the show starts on August 11th so I can't wait to see how the show will end. It has really been an amazing journey to see all these characters mature and progress, especially the main character Walter White who has become something of an anti-hero. It will definitely be bittersweet when the final episode airs. Can't wait to see how it will all end.
I've been watching Fringe lately and I gotta say I love it. I usually just watch it on Netflix though
I've been watching Hannibal lately and I recently finished the first season. Goddamn, it is very chilling and gory, yet terrific in nature. If you're a fan of thriller and detective shows, then this is the perfect TV series for you!

This is my design
I recently got into Dr Who after years of raising my eyebrow at it.
How wrong I was! It's brilliant and I now understand why so many people love it in Britain.
I already watched every episode and I'm on my second run - now with my GF and she's loving it too :)
I look now Games Of Throne, and I consider this series as it is the most epic. How long have I not seen this kind of series.
Everything is great: the music, the atmosphere, the voice, the script ...

I'm currently in the middle of season 2 and I'm not ready to stop. History never ceases to amaze me. That's incredible.
I'm really liking this season of Futurama, actually. Maybe it's because I know it's going to be the last season, but it seems a lot more down-to-earth than the previous 'new' seasons. Even if they're not quite the classics like the first four seasons, I'm glad they brought it back for more. Maybe it's better that it's ending before they stretch it too thin, though.
Recently, I'm huge into Dexter, my Mom would go everyday telling me how Season 8 is the best season of a TV series she has ever seen so I decided to sit my white booty down and start watching Dexter from Season 1, and that started about 3 days ago, and now I am currently on Season 3 Episode 1, which is so crazy to me because each episode is an hour in length and there are 12 episodes per season, so in the long run it seems to me that I am pretty addicted, everything about Dexter is perfect from the plot to how in-depth they explain the background of Dexter. I am contemplating going to Barnes & Nobles or a bookstore close by and picking up the books the TV show is rewritten off of, but if anybody is interested in watching Dexter you differently should. I give Dexter 10 dead bodies out of 10 dead bodies. :o
I started watching Breaking Bad this year so had watched season 1-4 and the 8 eps of season 5 in a pretty short space of time,looking forward to it continuing soon.

But other than Breaking Bad best TV shows at moment are also Dexter,Game of Thrones,Sons of Anarchy,The Walking Dead,Vikings and The Big Bang Theory.
The Walking Dead. Saw all three seasons four times in a row. Just amazing if you like zombie movies. TV shows with this topic are rare as we all know. I am looking forward to finally watch the new episodes in october.

Vikings was good too but not as breathtaking as The Walking Dead.
I've actually just started watching Castle. I'm pretty late to the game, I know, but I'm catching up, slowly but surely. I actually really love this show. Its very clever. not as clever as Arrested Development of course, but what is? Also, Dr Who is awesome, I'm glad that you're glad you started watching it Oakster.
At this very minute I'm watching the new(third) season of Suits, I saw my first episode a few days ago and really liked it, so I downloaded the rest of it to watch from the start. Anyone that hasn't watched it, its a drama about a young guy who is a genius who through this and that (I won't spoil it) joins a law firm to work under a flashy boss, the only problem is that he isn't qualified and has never actually passed the exams!

The cast are fantastic and it's brilliantly crafted, the stories are great and it obviously has a big budget thats used well.

Make sure to watch!
I look now Games Of Throne, and I consider this series as it is the most epic. How long have I not seen this kind of series.
Everything is great: the music, the atmosphere, the voice, the script ...

I'm currently in the middle of season 2 and I'm not ready to stop. History never ceases to amaze me. That's incredible.
What I find strange is that my girlfriend loves GoT but I just can't get into it. Needs more sex, nudity and violence and far less talking haha
I've recently gotten hooked to Family Guy. It has a unique sense of humor that you can't help but laugh at. Some of the content on there can be offensive, but the important thing to remeber is not to take anything on it seriously. It's just there for laughs and that's how I see it.
Mine is anime and something I've seen before. But I'm currently watching the Persona 4 anime, recently. It might not be as good as the game, but it's a great anime to watch for fans of the games or the series.

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