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World War I two last hidden chest don't initiate


New Member

I'm trying to finish this game and collect the last collectibles "chests" but I'm stuck in World War 1, I found the last two chests that don't appear on the map but when I get close to them they are not highlighted and I can't do anything to open them... I would really appreciate some help.




If you didn't do it yet, try the Eagle View to highlight them, they should become available for collecting after then.

Let me know if it works, otherwise we will look for another way.


Some chests are on a boat or even underground into the galleries or on roofs. Did you check this out?
Can you link a screenshot of your gameplay so I can understand better? Thank's!


New Member
Hi Alex,

I tried to send you a copy of the link with the image of the map but it doesn't work. Those two yellow chests are not on a boat nor underground they are near buildings and I stand right in front of them but nothing happens...



Hi French,

there isn't any known glitch about chests in Syndicate. I personally opened all chests without any problems with the game installed on PS4.
Probably you are at the wrong side of the chest, try to walk around it while you press the "loot" button. I'm sorry but I can't think about any other method to open them.


New Member
Hi Alex,

Thanks for your reply. I don't know what is going on.... Most of the collectibles didn't appear on the map of World War 1 and I had to do some research online to find a map with all the locations. I think I'm going to look again at all the chests locations on that map and start all over checking every spot on the map.

Thanks again and have a great day!


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