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Wolfenstein surround issues, popping- crackling


New Member
Normally I would assume it was my receiver
I don't have problems with any other game except this one, assassins creed, shadow fall, tomb raider, last of us all fine
I get allot of loud popping noises when action is occurring, is it a bad sound mix?
Anyone else with this problem ?
Not too far in the game your walking along a narrow ledge and a train goes past
The amount of popping is ridiculous... Baffling :S
To me that sounds kind of like a TV issue or it could be a damaged sound file.

Have you tried un-installing and re-installing the game?
If it happens at random times with loud action it could be a TV fault e.g when sounds gets too high, too fast then it causes popping/crackling.

You might want to contact support if the issue persists because it does sound like a weird fault.

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