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Which monitor would you pick


New Member
I'm about to pick a monitor for my PS5, which I'm expecting soon, but I can't decide between these 3:
  1. 4K, 60Hz, has HDR, HDMI 2.0
  2. 2K (1440p), 165Hz, has HDR, HDMI 2.0
  3. 1080p, 165Hz, has HDR, HDMI 2.0
I'm uncertain, because I don't get couple of things: If I go with option #2, does the PS5 have a 1440p mode @120Hz, or despite having a 2K monitor, the resolution will be lowered to 1080p? In that case, there will be no difference between #2 and #3, right?
PS5 does have a 1440p mode (not specifically, but it works), but the whole point of PS5 is taking advantage of 4k, so my suggestion is that #1 option.

Find a TV that does match PS5 in specs. Some features are not ready, but will be with a patch update and/or following updates that precedes them. I'll do that with my ideal PS5 setup. I want to take full advantage of PS5.
PS5 does have a 1440p mode (not specifically, but it works), but the whole point of PS5 is taking advantage of 4k, so my suggestion is that #1 option.

Find a TV that does match PS5 in specs. Some features are not ready, but will be with a patch update and/or following updates that precedes them. I'll do that with my ideal PS5 setup. I want to take full advantage of PS5.
I'm going with a gaming monitor over a TV. But are there games that run 4k@120 fps if you know?
- Borderlands 3
- Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
- Call of Duty: Vanguard
- Call of Duty: Warzone
- Destiny 2
- Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
- Dirt 5
- Doom Eternal
- F1 2021
- Fortnite
- Ghost Runner
- Knockout City
- Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
- The Nioh Collection (Nioh and Nioh 2)
- Quake [Remastered]
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Rocket League
- Rogue Company
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
- Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection
- WRC 9

Few caveats with 4k/120fps, some games sacrifice something like Ray Tracing for framerates. Some games are native, some games are selected from options menu. Some games take up so much HDD space, etc.

Its not 100 percent fluid.
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I hv a septre c34 which is 1440p. How do i get 120hz from my ps5. I tried a display port hdmi active adapter but still only getting 60hz anoying

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