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where can I get a ps4 power supply


New Member
I bought a used ps4 and while playing, something blew. I think its the power.I opened up the ps4 and broke the warranty seal...was wondering where can I get a new ps4 power supply
Have you tried searching on amazon.com yet? That's always my go to place for gaming peripherals, accessories or hardware. Ebay would be the most likely place to find one though, like Haze suggested.
Quite unfortunate what happened. In case you are looking for a cord, I have sent you a PM as I'm not able to post links yet.

If you happen to own a PS3 Slim you can also use the cord with the PS4.
Last case scenario you can contact Sony support.
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Why would you open up he PS$ after it broke?

You still under warranty all you did was void your warranty. That is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. I would like to know what was your thought process when you were doing this. Did you not know you could void your warranty then?

The obvious answer to this question is to try eBay, and Amazon. You are sure to find what you are looking for.

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