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what books have you been reading


The Watcher In The Wings
know everyone that doesnt read is gonna say
this is a gaming forum!
but i did some searching and many forum members do read books. as partaily suggested by haze, i bring you the book suggestion thread.

im currently reading the maze runner seires, second book. its good so far.but appeals more to young adults.
I tend to read a lot of non-fictional books. Away from gaming, my interests also stretch to shipbuilding (mainly from the 'golden age' circa 1900-1940), motoring, travel, the paranormal and conspiracies. I have numerous books relating to these subjects.

I read George Orwell's 1984 around six years ago. Absolutely superb reading – especially for anyone in the UK where quite a number of things from it do ring true these days. I do recommend it to anyone.

At the moment, I've not found the time to sit down with a good book. I've not read any book in months, actually.
I've been currently reading

"Four to Score" by Janet Evanovich

Its part of the Stephanie Plum series
Unfortunately, or fortunately--I'm not quite sure--I have only had time to read what is required of me for class. So recently I have re-read a handful of Plato's works, Fear and Trembling, some Hegel, and Sartre's No Exit.

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