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Watch dogs may not run at 1080p 60fps.

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New Member
Hello PS4 users,

There is a sad news for all of us. Watch Dogs may not run at 1080p and 60fps. There was an update to playstation website that removed the mention of the resolution and fps for watch dogs. A sad day indeed..


New Member
I never really expected to get 60 FPS, to be honest. That sort of thing is usually reserved for PCs.


New Member
It seemed like they were trying to push this too hard, I am surprised they didn't decide to do this sooner with all of the delays. I hope the resolution is dropped over the frame rate as 1080 isn't as important as having things moving smoothly.


, , The Enforcer, ,
Topic on all this already here: http://ps4forum.com/336-watch-dogs/...un-1080p-60fps-says-sony-perhaps-not-now.html

And please next time post anything game specific into game specific sub forum,if there is one.

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