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Vita Owners need to stop making Persona 4 Golden the reason to buy a vita..


New Member
Seriously though it may be a fantastic update of the original game but it's been TWO years since it came out and we have yet to see a really good exclusive that has stayed with the vita.. It's getting pretty desperate for the little thing. It's not like the PSP where we had companies from all sides make fantastic games for it like square enix, rockstar games, and namco and plenty of others too. The titles are few and far between and nearly all of them have ports at this point..
But if you have not played a Persona game before and are thinking about the Vita, Golden is a hell of a good place to start. What do you think are some other reason(s) people should buy a Vita other than to play one of the greatest games ever? Of course they could just download the original onto their PS3 or buy the physical copy for their PS2. I mean I know reasons, as this conversation is held all over this forum and I have pitched some myself. But pitching Golden as the game to get on the Vita is no different than pitching Halo or Uncharted on their respective consoles.
But if you have not played a Persona game before and are thinking about the Vita, Golden is a hell of a good place to start. What do you think are some other reason(s) people should buy a Vita other than to play one of the greatest games ever? Of course they could just download the original onto their PS3 or buy the physical copy for their PS2. I mean I know reasons, as this conversation is held all over this forum and I have pitched some myself. But pitching Golden as the game to get on the Vita is no different than pitching Halo or Uncharted on their respective consoles.

Yeah but those are recurring series.. that have new releases on the way.. Persona 4 Golden is a one off which will most likely not have another followup on the Vita.
Yeah but those are recurring series.. that have new releases on the way.. Persona 4 Golden is a one off which will most likely not have another followup on the Vita.

Well to be fair Persona 4 Area is directly tied in and there is a new one on the way. Both are considered canon. Granted, they are not on the Vita... yet. And while its true that Persona games are essentially, for what it is worth, stand-alone titles and do not have to be played in sequence, Persona 5 is coming... perhaps on the Vita as well?
Well to be fair Persona 4 Area is directly tied in and there is a new one on the way. Both are considered canon. Granted, they are not on the Vita... yet. And while its true that Persona games are essentially, for what it is worth, stand-alone titles and do not have to be played in sequence, Persona 5 is coming... perhaps on the Vita as well?

I'm mainly talking about vita only games though.. Which does not happen to have alot in the near future...

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