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US PS4 in UK (PSN Question)


New Member

I am planning on buying a PS4 in the next couple of days. I can get a US spec one a lot cheaper than a UK one. I'm know that the games are region free, and I have my PAL PS3 to play PAL Blu Ray's on.

My question is: Would having a US (NTSC) spec machine affect PSN at all? Is the PSN location based? I am wondering if I can still play online with my friends here in the UK with no issues.

Thanks in advance,



New Member
yes you can. PS4 region has no effect on your online features. it depends on your psn account.

Thanks for your reply.

Does the same go for DLC? I know people have had problems in the past with a US spec machine and certain DLC not working with a European game, due to region locking to DLC.


New Member
Thanks for your reply.

Does the same go for DLC? I know people have had problems in the past with a US spec machine and certain DLC not working with a European game, due to region locking to DLC.

That depends on your game's region not the console's.

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