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Urban Camo Dual Shock 4


, , The Enforcer, ,
Spotted this one on an online shop.
Not out yet but coming soon.

FINALLY! A proper color! :Onya :grin

Meh. I am not a fan of camo anything, but to each his own. I will say this though, the face buttons, grips, and the touch pad really compliment all these different color variations and so forth.
I never used to be a camo fan either.But a few years ago I found myself getting camo cargo pants,camo workwear pants,camo shirts and other tops,of varying camo colors.I dunno why,cant help myself now :noidea
I just picked up this camo ds4 today and all I can say this is way better the the one that came with the ps4. The analog sticks are now textured instead of the smooth rubber feel. So Mabey this will help those that have problems with there analog sticks. The controler just feels better then the previous ds4 I have. Next I wanna see how the batterie holds up.


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So its the official Sony sold one as my post shows? Not a customized colored one is it?
I guess it's not suppose to be out until next month. I went back for a second one but they were taking them off the shelf because the street date is for October 1st. Lucky I got one.
Official sony camo Ds4


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Yeah,very nice. I dont need another controller at the moment but still,I am tempted to get this anyway :Onya
Well,I finally picked one up today,main reason is I cant play CoD AW with a standard black controller,that would be silly :rofl :o


Actually though Im not using it just yet,Ive just got to add a few things first.
Getting a lightbar decal made up for it and some longer analog stick attachments,similar to controlfreeks or the Orb thumb grip pro which I currently have on my black DS4.
Once I get all these Ill post another pic. :grin
Actually though Im not using it just yet,Ive just got to add a few things first.
Getting a lightbar decal made up for it and some longer analog stick attachments,similar to controlfreeks or the Orb thumb grip pro which I currently have on my black DS4.
Once I get all these Ill post another pic. :grin

Finally ready to use it:

Here's some new pics:

The stick extenders are called 'Jelly ProCap' and actually better than the Orb Pro Caps,not quite as tall and softer on the thumbs.
Very happy with these.
Also got my lightbar decal.

In this pic you can compare the Orb Cap Pro on the black DS4 next to the Jelly ProCaps which I have on the Camo DS4.And the standard DS4 with only standard thumb caps.

And again,call Jelly ProCaps.
I got mine from one of those Chinese sites but you can also get them on ebay for very cheap.
3 designs available,meaning 3 diff pics on top of the caps.
I have the bottom one in that pic. The Skull giving finger :p
Hey Oberon, really wanted to see pics of your finished product, but there doesn't seem to be pictures attached or clickable links in your previous post. Still got them hanging around anywhere?
Pictures are in my post above mate.
They are embedded into post.
Are you on PC or mobile? Perhaps you have images turned off on mobile or some other browser problem if you are on PC?

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