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The Last of Us is Coming to PlayStation 4


New Member
If a video on Turkish website Multiplayer is any indication, The Last of Us is coming to PlayStation 4 this summer, and it will come packing single-player DLC Left Behind.

According to NeoGAF user Quirah (via user chadskin), Sercan Sulun – PlayStation’s Eurasian Software Market Manager -- says that while a sequel to The Last of Us may not be forthcoming any time soon, the “first game will be released this summer for PS4 as a physical and digital copy, with enhanced graphics.”

If true – and it appears that it is, as Sulun is a high-ranking member of Sony that’s been with the company since August of 2012 – this would be a huge win for PS4 gamers hungry for some first party content. Other than Infamous: Second Son, Driveclub, MLB 14: The Show, and The Order: 1886, no triple-A first party games have been announced in PlayStation 4's 2014 calendar.


Wowowow - as I never got chance to play The Last of Us, this is news worth waiting for.
I was holding out for news like this cause I never got it for PS3 and everyone raves how awesome it is so Ill defo have to get should it come to PS4.
While I didnt like Last of Us as much as every other guy(Uncharted was much much better IMO) but this is great news.
I hope they boost up graphics so much that the game looks current gen.
They did that with Tomb Raider and from what I've seen, the graphics for the PS4 version of Tomb Raider are a higher quality than that of the old gen. :o

Then I will persuade my mate to purchase it and then I borrow it from him.
*evil laugh*
This is great news. The Last Of Us has the title of my all time favourite game (it's predecessor was Silent Hill 2) and to hear it's coming, complete with it’s DLC pack, to the PS4 really is good to hear.

Again, I rarely rate a game on graphics. There's far too much emphasis on it these days. It's nice to have for sure, but I by far value actual gameplay and plot more highly…

As much as I'd begrudge buying the same game again for another console (something that I'm not interested in doing), I may have to make an exception in this case when I upgrade to the PS4 – especially if 'Left Behind' is on the disc. As someone who doesn't 'do' online gaming, this may be the only chance a fan of the game, like myself, might actually get the chance to play it.
Im really happy for this... There's a lot of people who jumped ship from the X360... Now they'll get to experience this Masterpiece in full 1080p O.O
I've already played The Last of Us, but it's good for those who haven't played it yet. I won't be picking it up for PS4 though.
The Last of US 'Complete Edition' has also appeared on a Spanish retailer website and be available on June 13.
Sony still has'nt confirmed if the game will appear on PS4 yet.
This is great news. My Playstation 3 stopped working a couple months ago and I was considering buying a second hand one just to play TLOU and Journey. Maybe I won't need to do that after all... :)
I've already played The Last of Us, but it's good for those who haven't played it yet. I won't be picking it up for PS4 though.

Yeah I have it now, just haven't started playing it. I'd already seen a Twitch playthrough and my brother playthrough it so I'll be slow to getting around to it, but I wouldn't pick it up for PS4. Thumbs up for it coming to PS4 though, that opens the door for other titles potentially popping up from PS3.
I think releasing The Last of US for the PS4 is a good idea as there are a lot of 360 players who bought the PS4. However, I will not be paying $60 bucks for the same game with better graphics. If Sony is going to continue to make their consoles with no backwards compatibility then they should at least have a $20 price tag for those of us that purchased and still own the PS3 version of the Last of Us.

The Last of Us was my favorite game on the PS3 and I felt it was a 9.8/10. There were a few minor glitches that keep it from being a 10/10 and there is no perfect game IMO.

This is well worth the money if you have not played TLOU. However, I don't think updated graphics is really going to change the game much. In fact, it is possible the PS4 version may not be as good as the PS3 version just because TLOU was a very late addition to the PS3 and Naughty Dog had figured out how to get every last bit of power out of the PS3. Developers are still trying to figure out how to program for the PS4. Take a look at the graphical glitches and frame rate slow downs on Infamous Second Son.

I wish they would work on a sequel or another game that takes place in the Last of Us World instead of the same game.

I wish they would work on a sequel or another game that takes place in the Last of Us World instead of the same game.


This is what I'd prefer, a new game or continuing the series. It's not to say those two aren't in the cards, but it's what they should be working on.
This is what I'd prefer, a new game or continuing the series. It's not to say those two aren't in the cards, but it's what they should be working on.

Naughty Dog at one point had said they were going to make another games in TLOU universe. I may be in the minority here but sixty bucks seems like a rip off for a game I have the BD in the box sitting on my home entertainment console and consider it the best game of the last generation myself. Offer the upgrade for $19.95 and I will gladly buy it. The PS4 has too many games already that are just the PS3 versions or slightly enhanced like the two Pinball games, Flower, Flow, Trine, etc.

They did that with Tomb Raider and from what I've seen, the graphics for the PS4 version of Tomb Raider are a higher quality than that of the old gen. :o

Yep, if it gets the Tomb Raider treatment, it's going to look really fantastic. I didn't have the chance to play this on the PS3, so it's great that it will be available on the PS4, given the lack of retrocompatibility
Well it's good for people who haven't played it but I probably won't go anywhere near it. Though I doubt that their going to make that much of a profit off of it, it'll be cool to see what it looks like on a PS4. Does anyone know if it's a potentially upgradable title? If So I'd be interested in upgrading it at least.
Well it's good for people who haven't played it but I probably won't go anywhere near it. Though I doubt that their going to make that much of a profit off of it, it'll be cool to see what it looks like on a PS4. Does anyone know if it's a potentially upgradable title? If So I'd be interested in upgrading it at least.

I read an article that was not directly from Naughty Dog so take it with a grain of salt. They basically said they were going to redo graphics throughout the game and re-release. The Last of US looked better than most release window games for the PS4. This looks a lot like the PS2 games upgraded to HD and then resold on PSN. You generally got broken controls and a lot of mixed looks as they used a lot of conversion tools to get it to HD.

I do think this project is harder than people realize. It was only written for the PS3 which used the Cell Architecture so they basically have to port it to the PS4. I am curious to weather the port is being done in house or outsourced to another game company. I am sure that Naughty Dog has their best team working on Uncharted 4 for the pS4.
Still that doesn't let us know whether or not it's going to be upgradable for Ps4 owners who already own it. If not like baracksyndel said there is a very good chance that I'm not going to buy it. The Last of Us isn't really high on replayability for me barring the DLC and I don't see myself shelling out more cash for a game I already own if I had to pay near full price.

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