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The Division Offline


New Member
Hey Guys,

One thing I couldn't understand about The Division.

Can it be played single player offline?
Does it have a story mode?

I liked the gameplay and atmosphere, but I dont have PSN and dont like playing online.

If you guys know anything about this please let me know.


New Member
Generally, most online games require PS+ in order to play with friends, or any pvp content. Destiny for example will allow you to play single player story missions by yourself if you don't have PS+, but you won't be able to do anything else.

The Division may let you play the single player missions without PS+, but there is no official word that I can find.


Hey Guys,

One thing I couldn't understand about The Division.

Can it be played single player offline?
Does it have a story mode?

I liked the gameplay and atmosphere, but I dont have PSN and dont like playing online.

If you guys know anything about this please let me know.

From what I've understood by talking with the guy I buy my games from, this is a game conceived to be played as a massive MP, in PvP and PvE mode. The conceipt is very similar to Destiny and Star Wars Battlefront. You have the possibility to play it in solo mode, there is also a story to follow, but you risk to miss the most of the game's features. In other words, it is not suggested for those who want to use it only in single player mode.

If by one side I like to play online in multiplayer sessions, by the other side I don't like such new tendence at all, because I love the single player / story mode as well. I think we must face it because most new games are mainly programmed for younger people, who evidently love to scream in a microphone, by playing as fastest as possible, by killing as many opponents as possible. This is the amusement 2.0. We can only avoid to sell our old games and play them over and over. :noidea


New Member
From what I've understood by talking with the guy I buy my games from, this is a game conceived to be played as a massive MP, in PvP and PvE mode. The conceipt is very similar to Destiny and Star Wars Battlefront. You have the possibility to play it in solo mode, there is also a story to follow, but you risk to miss the most of the game's features. In other words, it is not suggested for those who want to use it only in single player mode.

If by one side I like to play online in multiplayer sessions, by the other side I don't like such new tendence at all, because I love the single player / story mode as well. I think we must face it because most new games are mainly programmed for younger people, who evidently love to scream in a microphone, by playing as fastest as possible, by killing as many opponents as possible. This is the amusement 2.0. We can only avoid to sell our old games and play them over and over. :noidea
yeah it seems the good old times are over for us.
I remember great single player or local co-op games on PS2 and PS3, with beautiful story and engaging gameplays...

now they just force us to play with strangers and just shoot everything that moves...
Can it not be played like Destiny? I had bought the Destiny when it came out, but did not have PS+, I could play it and even see people online, but was limited in my interactions and what I could do in the game. I would imagine the same is true for the Division?

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