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Really looking forward to the new film, looks like it will be amazing and no Jar Jar! Not a fan of that new R2D2 type robot though, that is about the only thing that looks cheesy to me in the trailers... where does it get its traction??
Anyways, hopefully this is the start of actual good star wars movies now that Lucas does not have direct control over it. Such a wonderful universe he created but in my opinion it was never done right.
I missed this trailer this week (was away on business). It looks amazing. I did manage to preorder my tickets. Though to be honest, I'm very disappointed that they are releasing it on the 17th for advanced screenings and no midnight release. I just ended up buying them for the 18th in the afternoon since at this point it doesn't matter to me :/
Ill be seeing it on the 19th at Gold Class cinema...oh yes :Onya (If anyone doesnt know what gold class is google it)
Star Wars shirt on stand by :grin
I will be going to the cinema with my whole family in January, during the Xmas holidays. I can't stand the crowd of the first days of coming out... :grin