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Special Editions Of Old PS Consoles


New Member
I've never really paid too much attention to special / limited editions of consoles until I saw the bundles of PS3 with GoW (red PS3), and it got me wondering if they ever did any designs with actual graphics on them and not just a color change. I vaguely remember Xbox having some editions with cool graphics, which I personally would not choose, but it's fun to look at so I'm glad they exist. Anyone out there ever owned or know about old consoles that are themed, or have they always been this plain?


Professional Escapologist
I never paid much attention either from the fifth generation back. But you got admit that the amount of choices for the N64 was incredible. Solid colors, transparent colors, special editions. What bothers me is that a lot of variation from the current consoles already exist, they just don't want to leave japan!


New Member
Not honestly sure about different playstations. There actually were more N64's choices than just the ones mentioned above. Most notably is the Hey You Pikachu N64 that was blue with a Pikachu jutting out the front. They just don't make special editions like that today.


New Member
I never paid too much attention to them either. I am not for special editions and all that fancy stuff. I spend my money wisely.


New Member
I never paid too much attention to them either. I am not for special editions and all that fancy stuff. I spend my money wisely.

I agree. Maybe it is because I am older, but I do not want a console with a design on it, even if the design is something I love. I think the Pikachu 3DS is cool, but I don't want it for myself. As an adult, I want my consoles to look like a sleek piece of technology, even though truthfully they are just toys at heart.

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