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Soul Edge/ Soul Blade


New Member
I think Soul Blade was the first game I had ever played on the PS1. Having only played the Genesis and SNES before it, the game was, at the time, unlike anything I had played till then. Great characters each with its own unique style and abilities, a gameplay style much better than Street Fighters and Mortal Kombats of old, the game was an instant hit in my eyes. Some of the sequels like Soul Calibur were also pretty good. I'd say Li Long was my personal favorite, too bad they removed him from later games.

So, what were your opinions of the game when it came out?
I had this too,I quite liked the weapon combat for a change but I still preferred Tekken overall at the time.
I had this too,I quite liked the weapon combat for a change but I still preferred Tekken overall at the time.

While i grew up with Tekken 3, Soul Calibur is still one of my favorite series of fighting games, and i hope they keep it strong!
I wasn't able to play Soul Edge but I did play Soul Blade and it was awesome! My favorites were Sigfreid and Mitsurugi. I liked the narration of the game too. It was so cheesy, I liked it. The fighting gameplay was terrific and the opening theme song was superb. I was hooked more to Tekken 3 though.
I suppose the love for Tekken is to be expected as even here it seems to be the more popular game. I personally preferred Soul Blade to Tekken 3 probably because of nostalgia reasons. It was after all the first fighting game that I had ever played on the PS1. But even I played the later versions of Tekken more than the later of versions of Soul Calibur mainly because my friends preferred the former.
Its the same game mate,it's just that Namco chose to use the title Soul Blade in Europe, North America and Australia.

Woops. Thanks for the clarification. Oberon. I didn't know that they were one and the same. I thought Soul Edge was the first game and Soul Blade was the sequel. Lol.
In my opinion it was a fantastic fighter game. Looking back at it now I realise that voldo has not changed much at all since that game was released.
I made a lot of money back in the day playing Soul Calibur; ah the memories!

Wow, you competed in tournaments before? I did that too! But I was not that good at Soul Blade and Soul Calibur. I just couldn't get into the combo system. I was good enough to defeat the AI of the game though. ;)

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