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Sony is undergoing maintenance


New Member
Hey guys, just to let y'all know, Sony is going under maintenance to iron out a few bugs that has been happening lately. So in case y'all are having issues adding friends, multiplayer, or purchasing games this is a heads up.
They have not stated how long it's gonna take though .
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New Member
Came on for a bit I hammered out a round of cod and now it's back to bein down. Even the app has the same error.



New Member
The PSN is being DDoSed right now. Don't worry, it's not a hack. It's just a way of bombarding their servers with fake traffic jamming the network. It's got nothing to do with hacking crucial information. Sony may as well just went ahead with the scheduled maintenance while at it.


New Member


New Member
A lot of crazy stuff happened over the internet this past weekend. A bunch of providers were attacked. Looks like PS was having issues. I had my good ole fashioned book that I was reading so I didn't even realize it until I've sat at my desk and started catching up on the World. Hope everyone's information is safe out there.


New Member
Was back yestersay for me. Undergoing maintenance again now, oh well.
It is what it is, remember when it was down for a solid month a couple years ago?
I can handle a couple days, thanks sony!

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