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Some parts of The Phantom Pain are 100% complete!


New Member
Hideo Kojima talks with DenGeki Playstation, a Japanese Video Gaming Magazine. He states that: Some parts of The Phantom Pain are completed, while other parts of the game still have a long way to go. This can only mean that we'll be seeing more news in the coming months about The Phantom Pain and its release date. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes also gets a bit of a statement when he explains that the 'S' in Ground Zeroes is plural because the game's story doesn't only affect Big Boss, but other characters too. If you're familiar with the Metal Gear story-line, you'll know that
Big Boss and Kaz go on separate paths. Before the first Metal Gear game in 1987.

Ground Zeroes is set for a Spring 2014 release followed by The Phantom Pain, hopefully, later in 2014. Hideo Kojima does want to implement many features into the game such as iPhone, Tablets and Smartphone integration into the game which is another one of Kojima's favorite things to do; Innovate everything he can with his games.

Source: MetalGearInformer


New Member
Wow! I have been following Metal Gear since MGS4 and I have to say, I don't think I have been this excited for a video game since Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim and Mortal Kombat 9.


New Member
I'm a huge MGS fan so even small news like this is exciting to me. It's my favorite game series and I just absorb every info I can on it. I hope this recent announcement brings with it others. Maybe even some more gameplay, that's what I want.


New Member
Dude, rgiova, exactly how I am man! I follow Hideo Kojima on Twitter and I even run a machinima production that's 98% Metal Gear based (been running it since 2006) called CpmStudios. I love MGS! Give me ground zeroes now!

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