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Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Hey All,
I also posted this under PS5, but I am looking for a way to be able to transfer my game data to PS5 version of the game from my PS4 Pro. Can this be done as I have been told by PS that not all PS4 games will transfer.
Hey All,
I also posted this under PS5, but I am looking for a way to be able to transfer my game data to PS5 version of the game from my PS4 Pro. Can this be done as I have been told by PS that not all PS4 games will transfer.
All of my games on the PS4 Pro... I put up into the PS cloud. Then went into the 5 and pulled down all that data. Worked like a charm. That said, this particular game, I just waited for the 5 version and downloaded it from the store onto the 5. The only way I know it's meant for the 5 is that I have a choice of visual graphics over frame rate or vice versa but unlike COD, whichever one you choose... the other will suffer noticeably.
Yeah I know. I'm beginning to think that this game is one of the one that won't synch game data. It's not a big deal, but I did have 100% trophies and 96% done and it would have been great if it transferred. I'll just start over again!

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