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Should i buy ps4 now?


New Member
Hello everyone,
First time posting here!
So my question is pretty simple , is this a right time to buy a ps4?
Iam asking this because i heard new 4k compatible ps4 is going to come this year
as i have never own any console before apart from psp , because i am a pc gamer but i want to buy ps4
because these days pc is not getting optimized games and most of them is ported . So please tell me what should i do ? And am taking a right choice buying ps4.
I reluctantly gave up PC gaming a few years ago because of the cost of constantly updating the PC to play the latest games, i still miss keyboard and mouse accuracy to a certain degree but all i can say is in the short time i have owned my PS4 (used to be Xbox gamer) i am more than happy with it.
Hello everyone,
First time posting here!
So my question is pretty simple , is this a right time to buy a ps4?
Iam asking this because i heard new 4k compatible ps4 is going to come this year
as i have never own any console before apart from psp , because i am a pc gamer but i want to buy ps4
because these days pc is not getting optimized games and most of them is ported . So please tell me what should i do ? And am taking a right choice buying ps4.

I would say so yes. The PS4 is a great console and if you want to take the plunge, now would be a good time to do it. And it's only going to get better as an experience from here. Like you, I tried to dabble the other way. I'm a lifelong console gamer and do have quite a few on PC. Though I enjoy FPS on PC, I don't have the time and money to constantly update my PC so I have abandoned that.

To answer your 4k question, I'm not sure about that. It was long rumored the PS4 would support it from the get-go. The PS4 uses HDMI only which is more than capable of doing 4K, the PS4 right now doesn't support 4K through their software. I'm sure that's going to change with a major firmware revision (firmware v3 perhaps?). Though really at this point in the game, unless 4K becomes very affordable within the next 3 or 4 years, I think 4K games are going to be more of a novelty this generation (like 3D last generation) and won't have mainstream support. If people don't have 4K TVs, they aren't going to make 4K games. This is of course my speculation with how things are going now. To be honest, I really hope I'm wrong. 4K games will be so many different awesomes. However, 4K support for movies is very likely as those are starting to happen. Again, will have to wait for a firmware update :)
Yes indeed! PS4 works very good and there are many games you can choose from! :)

Well I really wanted one to buy and I have money as well but as said netflix are telling that Sony has promised to bring 4k capable ps4 this fall so that's why I was confused should I buy it now or wait?
Well I really wanted one to buy and I have money as well but as said netflix are telling that Sony has promised to bring 4k capable ps4 this fall so that's why I was confused should I buy it now or wait?

Sam, as far as I know, they are just rumors and then the 4K technology will be applied only on videos (netflix) but not on games. So, if your idea is to use the PS4 for gaming, what are you waiting? :grin
If i'm honest Sam, i have to say right now i WOULDN'T recomend you getting PS4.

The reason is, it's nothing to do with the PS4 being bad, far from it infact as as a piece of hardward its fantastic, just for me, there has yet to be a "must have" you have to play this game that is PS4 and next gen only.

They are still making games to work for both PS4 and PS3 ( example battlefield Hardline ) and for me, it won't be until later 2015, that we will start to see the first, " you got to get this " PS4 next gen only games.

Specifically PS4 exclsuives, Uncharted 4.

I'd recomend getting a PS4 about Christmas time later this year, as the price will probably have dropped then too.
If i'm honest Sam, i have to say right now i WOULDN'T recomend you getting PS4.

The reason is, it's nothing to do with the PS4 being bad, far from it infact as as a piece of hardward its fantastic, just for me, there has yet to be a "must have" you have to play this game that is PS4 and next gen only.

They are still making games to work for both PS4 and PS3 ( example battlefield Hardline ) and for me, it won't be until later 2015, that we will start to see the first, " you got to get this " PS4 next gen only games.

Specifically PS4 exclsuives, Uncharted 4.

I'd recomend getting a PS4 about Christmas time later this year, as the price will probably have dropped then too.
Well at the moment i am not having anything to game on , as i am having just a casual laptop right now .
So my only concern was that ps4 might get major refreshment this fall but as others said it will not be that much of a change so i think its the right time to go for it. Any suggestions are hugely welcome.
Ahhh that's different then chap if you've not even got a PS3. I assumed you'd played a lot of games from the previous generation.

PS4 as i said is a great bit of kit so find a game you want to play on it and enjoy :)
First check out the games that are out and see if your favorites are games are there. If the answer is yes, then it's time to buy.
PS4 great))
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I am the owner of a computer company and I was a pc and 360 gamer. I am all ps4. It's well worth it. I did swap the had for a 2 terabyte though because I don,t care to resell my games. I know my kids can,t destroy the digital copy plus the indie games are great. Yeah I could use steam but we are mac users and so we already know games sucks on mac. I would get one. I bought mine at release. It was the first time I have done that with a console since the n64 and I don't regret a min of it. After years of Mmos on pc I thought I was making a mistake. I am so glad I did it. Most of my 360 friend all xffered as well so I didn't start alone. Get you one and hit me up. IL make sure you have some good people to help you out. Psn free games reset tue. If you get it today you can still get the Feb games free.
Iv'e heard the same rumors. I own the Sony X10 which is a fantastic dedicated 4K video player. I also own the PS4 and I have heard it will be a hardware change as well. No word yet if the current crop of PS4's can be upgraded or not. If it is hardware change I hope my older PS4 can be upgraded.
Well I really wanted one to buy and I have money as well but as said netflix are telling that Sony has promised to bring 4k capable ps4 this fall so that's why I was confused should I buy it now or wait?

Forgot to add the quote. I also am interested in 4K video as well. The Sony X10 so far is the only dedicated 4K streaming box using the Sony Entertainment Network Video Unlimited store. Currently they have dozens of 4K videos but they can only be accessed if you own a X10. Recently they opened it to other than Sony 4K TV's. A very smart move by Sony.
Forgot to add the quote.

You know you can always edit your post and add in the quote ;)

I'm really hoping the 4k addition will be a firmware update for current PS4s. I'll be really pissed if they include it in newer models in the fall and say "screw you" to all the early adopters. But then again, I don't own a 4K TV right now so it won't really impact me much :)
Yes absolutely! It's a great time to buy a PS4 because of the amount of games already out as well as the games that are coming in the near future. I've heard those rumors about the PS4 too and I think they're just that for now. I think they're more likely to create a cheaper model next to sell more units as opposed to one that would definitely be more expensive.

Especially since 4k isn't a huge market just yet I think it's a safe call to pull the trigger and get a PS4 now as opposed to waiting on something that might not happen for years.

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