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Remote Play On Vita Over The Internet


New Member
I don't know how accurate this all is, but if it's any indication as to what we can expect in the future, I'd say it's pretty cool. Check out this guy supposedly playing Killzone at work streaming to the Vita all the way from his PS4 at home.

And another one showing his network connection:


However, according to this article, it's not possible and I'm a little bit confused.

Kotaku - PS4 Remote Play, Put To The Test

Sony recommends that you keep your Vita and PS4 on the same WiFi network for optimal use, but just for kicks, I also tested with other Kotaku staffers to see if we could get this thing working with different WiFi networks. Could Patricia use her Vita from San Francisco to control my PS4 in NYC? Nope. Could I use my Vita from uptown Manhattan to control Evan's PS4 downtown? Nope. Other permutations were equally unsuccessful.

So here's the verdict: right out of the box, Remote Play works well if you want to sit in the living room, playing PS4 games on a portable screen. Try to move much further, though, and you might have problems. At least for now

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