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Release date announced for First Light!


Well-Known Member
Sucker Punch have tweeted an official announcement regarding the upcoming stand-alone DLC "inFAMOUS: First Light"!

The official release date will be August 26 in North America, August 27 for Europe.

Looking forward to this? I know I am :)


I enjoyed Second Son, but was ultimately let down by it. If I had to give it a score, it would be a 7/10. Further I did not find her character to be all that interesting, or likable for that matter. The paper-trail stuff was great, but the fact that I could not get the power was another disappointment. There is a slight chance I will grab First Light.


New Member
I'll definitely be giving this a go. I've enjoyed everything Infamous up to this point, don't see why this would be the exception.

That being said, I didn't care for Fetch. But I did think neom was the most fun power in the game. I'm sure this will be fine.


New Member
I really dig these type of open-world games. Although I yet to play Infamous: Second Son, reviews seem to suggest that it's really amazing. Gonna pick both these games sometime soon.


New Member
I think it was a major disappointment to be honest.
I thought that it was not as good as it could of been.
Seemed rushed.

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