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Raunchiest Games


New Member
I honestly don't like sexy scenes popping up in my games that much unless it really contributes a lot to the story or gameplay because otherwise, I just get distracted and taken out of my immersion. However, if I don't like the game that much to begin with anyway then I'm okay with it and I find it amusing.

That said, I'm writing this topic because I randomly thought of the idea that I've never actually seen a full naked scene in a game and I'm wondering if there are any, and if not, do you think there ever will be? Are there any games you know of that come close to it? If not, are there any games you know of that are just raunchy, naughty, or sexy in general even without naked scenes?

I know there were some naked digital Ellen Page scenes that were leaked once but I never played whatever game that was supposed to be in so I don't know if it was officially there.
The Witcher has a lot of nudity. I'm not sure I'd call it sexy.

The same can be said for BioShock games like Mass Effect. In those games, romance pretty much amounts to listening to people whine about their baggage and tell them what they want to hear until they take their pants off. I generally go through the motions in them, but most of the time when they start going on about their daddy issues, I feel like telling them "We're trying to save the galaxy here. Can you please act like a professional?"
The closest I've seen to naked is in wolfenstein: new order. The scene when the bloke is making love to his girl. You don't see everything but just glimpses.
I've seen the God of war which is pretty explicit. He has 3 some in Greek pools lol. Crazy game. I hope it comes to the ps4.
I really don't like the sexy scenes in video games. I thiks there's already way too much of that on TV and in Hollywood movies- so I don't want them to stick that crap in my video games also. Just waaaay too much sex everywhere.
Any game with female characters that are just way too sexy to begin with. I see those characters more on RPG games, I mean for God sake lady you're going into a bloody battle and all you manage to carry around is a piece of cloth and a stupid crown? I don't know about you but if I were to go into an epic battle I'd cover ever inch of my skin with something that can protect me.

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