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PS5 is crashing my Network - Please help!


New Member
Hi everyone. My son's PS5 CD is about 14 months old. Within the last 4-6 weeks, whenever he goes to download a game, my entire home network crashes. His PS5 is connected via ethernet cable to a wall jack down to a switch which then connects to the router. I have a Netgear Orbi system with the RBR750 router and four RBS750 satellites. My ISP is AltaFiber with a 750 Mbps speed rating. The network is normally rock solid but literally everything goes dark within a few seconds of him starting to download a game. He's tried to download Madden 24, Rainbow Six Siege, and Apex Legends but it doesn't seem to matter what game it is. It crashes the network every time, even my wired connections. It's become extremely frustrating for him and the rest of the family.

Any ideas what could be going on? Is it a PS5 problem? Maybe a network issue? I really have no idea where to even begin. Right now he's not allowed to download games but I'm not sure how fair that is.

Thanks for any advice, knowledge, and/or help.
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I would try rebooting (unplugging for 3 minutes) of both the Modem and the port switch, then plug back in. and try again. If that doesn't work, I bet running a long ethernet from the Modem/router will work fine. I think your internet service is fine, it's all the stuff between the modem and PS5. Try just the Wifi too. May be slower but may just work to get the job done.
Thanks for the response DC. We have rebooted the modem and the router numerous times but I didn't think about the port switch. I will give that a try and see if anything changes. Outside of that, we'll try going straight to Wifi and disconnected the LAN cable which goes down to the port switch. Maybe that'll do something.

Thanks again for the ideas.

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