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PS5 Green Screen of Death? HALP


New Member
I bought a friend's PS5 off of him the other day because he doesn't use it very often. When I hooked it up last night, everything fired up as expected and as I was transferring over my data from my PS4 and updating the PS5 it all of the sudden went to a green screen and now won't hold any power.

I've read numerous threads and articles online, called Sony, and have tried everything that I've found online (switching cables, tvs, power cycle, etc) to try and get this firing up again but haven't had any luck. The blue light turns on for a second and then turns off right away. If I do a power cycle (unplug and let sit for 20+ mins) then the odd time it will flash blue but nothing will go to the screen. Unfortunately, I can't even get it to start in safe mode so I'm thinking this might be fucked.

I'm thinking that the update may have caused it to crash but really have no clue...

I called Sony and they said I'd have to send it in, which costs $240 to start because it's out of warranty. Curious if anyone has experienced anything similar and if they were able to get to a resolution? Any suggestions/ help is much appreciated!
Just spend that $250 for the customer service of getting your PS5 fixed. Don't wait for answers.

If you bought your PS5 brand new, and fresh from retailer, you'd have a warranty for a year. This is a second-hand sale of a PS5. They tell you it's "out of warranty" because you BOUGHT IT from a friend. In addition of being more than a year of purchase.

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