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New Member
Blaming video games, music, and TV have always been easy. Now there's a few cases when shooting happen because the shooter was inspired by a series, a game, or a band, but that's kind of rare. Usually the person will kill a bunch of people and in the aftermath it'll be found out that he loved to play Call of Duty while listening to Slayer and his favorite movies were Ms. 45, Driller Killer, and the Death Wish series (no shade on SpaceTiger that is, I know you love that band and like those films but they're violent as hell).

This. Entertainment has always been a scapegoat so save parents from the scrutiny of their fly by night parenting skills in instances like this.


New Member
This. Entertainment has always been a scapegoat so save parents from the scrutiny of their fly by night parenting skills in instances like this.

Fact. If there's a scapegoat for it, media will find it.

Blaming video games, music, and TV have always been easy. Now there's a few cases when shooting happen because the shooter was inspired by a series, a game, or a band, but that's kind of rare.

Another fact!

Usually the person will kill a bunch of people and in the aftermath it'll be found out that he loved to play Call of Duty while listening to Slayer and his favorite movies were Ms. 45, Driller Killer, and the Death Wish series (no shade on SpaceTiger that is, I know you love that band and like those films but they're violent as hell).



, , The Enforcer, ,
So I was at one of those 'cheap' shops the other day,not sure what you guys have in your country but here in AUS we have Sam's Warehouse,The Reject Shop etc.
Anyway,this particular one is more of a local shop not a big brand store and they have some good stuff,things you cant find in other stores and some things you can,usually cheaper though. Mostly groceries though.
Anyway,they had Coca Cola 'lemon' 1.25L bottles for only 50c. "Wow" I thought,that's cheap,Ill grab a few,I mean how bad can they be?
Eww,its pretty terrible,lemon flavour Coca Cola just doesnt work,no wonder they were 50c there,they'll have to give them away soon.



, , Darkness, ,
I've never had lemon flavoured coke. For some reason CocaCola misses out the UK in a lot of ways when it comes to flavoured cokes. We only get Cherry and Citrus Fruits in various diet and full sugar. So we've never had lemon here in the UK.

Anyway I've had diet coke with a slice of lemon put into it and that generally tastes nice.


Well-Known Member
So I was at one of those 'cheap' shops the other day,not sure what you guys have in your country but here in AUS we have Sam's Warehouse,The Reject Shop etc.
Anyway,this particular one is more of a local shop not a big brand store and they have some good stuff,things you cant find in other stores and some things you can,usually cheaper though. Mostly groceries though.
Anyway,they had Coca Cola 'lemon' 1.25L bottles for only 50c. "Wow" I thought,that's cheap,Ill grab a few,I mean how bad can they be?
Eww,its pretty terrible,lemon flavour Coca Cola just doesnt work,no wonder they were 50c there,they'll have to give them away soon.


Yeah they are pretty darn bad tasting lol. The best one is for sure Vanilla Coke!


, , The Enforcer, ,
Not keen on the Vanilla either but it's been ages since Ive had it,might have to try one again.

In never used to like Dr Pepper either but quite like it now.
Sadly it's not sold in usual supermarket stores here in AUS,hasnt been for years,I guess Aussies didnt like it much and so they stopped selling it.
I buy it from the Reject shop and sometimes supermarkets likes Coles and Woolworths do have it in their 'speciality section'.

What I like more than Dr Pepper now though is Irn Bru. Im sure some people from Europe may know all about it,comes from Scotland and again,only in the speciality section in some supermarkets.



Well-Known Member
Never heard of that one. Dr Pepper is the best drink ever created! I could drink that all day every day!


, , The Enforcer, ,
Im not a big fan of McDonalds but I dont mind their breakfast menu though.
But the other day I did have a McFeast burger,they have brung them back...again...how long for I dunno but the McFeast is OK.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm the same. believe it or not, I'm not huge on meat in general. I usually stick to chicken.


, , The Enforcer, ,
Chicken is great yeah,but chicken is also meat last time I checked :grin
I think maybe you mean 'red meat'?


New Member
Tell you what, I cannot find a single bottle of Diet Vanilla Coke ANYWHERE! Been looking as yes, I prefer that to the normal stuff.

oh really? i see them in those BP on the run stores, or sometimes in foodland.

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