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PS4 where does it get cold air to cool?


New Member
Hi, Does the side of PS4 suck cold air in? I tried putting my hand on the sides and it seems that the left side takes almost nothing whole the right one does? Thanks in advance
Hi, Does the side of PS4 suck cold air in? I tried putting my hand on the sides and it seems that the left side takes almost nothing whole the right one does? Thanks in advance

Yes, the PS4 gets the cold air from its sides and blows it out from the back side. Be sure all the parts are always dustfree with the help of a soft brush or with one of those air cleaners for PC.
Yes, the PS4 gets the cold air from its sides and blows it out from the back side. Be sure all the parts are always dustfree with the help of a soft brush or with one of those air cleaners for PC.
Thanks, I did. But it seems that PS4 sucks cold air mostly from right side because I can't feel it too much on the left side
As funny as it may sound I vacuum all my systems a few times a year. Still got my PS2 fat and never over heated any of my 360's.
Thanks, I did. But it seems that PS4 sucks cold air mostly from right side because I can't feel it too much on the left side

I noticed it too. When you run two applications together though (for ex. a game & the www browser), the fan increases its power and you can feel the air flow clearly on both sides. I think that such difference is due to the internal components' layout. Important is to keep the slots always free anyway. I've never had a heating problem with my PS4.

As funny as it may sound I vacuum all my systems a few times a year. Still got my PS2 fat and never over heated any of my 360's.

Yep, vacuum is the best solution to keep it clean but I think you need compressed air with a Venturi system, don't you?
Otherwise, if you use one of those vacuum cleaners for home, I'm afraid they're a bit too strong for the electronic components.
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