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PS4 Wheels for racing games.


New Member

Does anyone know if the motion control on teh dualshock4 can be used to steer racing games?
They do sell a snap on plastic steering wheel for the controller, so you would expect so.
I know with the PS3 in the early days you could steer by tiling the controller, but all the manufacturers soon stopped adding that function to racing games for some reason.




, , Darkness, ,
I do believe they can yes.

Although I do think you need to recalibrate it every now and then. I've played some DualShock4 motion games and you did have to recalibrate it every now and then. It was simple, all you had to do was hold the controller in the centre on the screen.


New Member
I do believe they can yes.

Although I do think you need to recalibrate it every now and then. I've played some DualShock4 motion games and you did have to recalibrate it every now and then. It was simple, all you had to do was hold the controller in the centre on the screen.

Thanks for the reply, what motion games are there?


New Member

Does anyone know if the motion control on teh dualshock4 can be used to steer racing games?
They do sell a snap on plastic steering wheel for the controller, so you would expect so.
I know with the PS3 in the early days you could steer by tiling the controller, but all the manufacturers soon stopped adding that function to racing games for some reason.



None i guess then


New Member
The only racing game I know at the moment with motion support is Driveclub but that game is not available to the general public yet. Very fun, the controls work great on it as well.

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