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PS4 release date


New Member
The official release date according to an article and what Sony revealed is set for the "Holiday 2013" so I'm guessing around December or late November. I'm pretty excited!


New Member
I'm so happy they're coming out with a PS4! There was a huge improvement when the PS3 came out compared to the PS2. It has way better graphics, it's like night and day. I can't wait to see how much better the PS4 will be than the PS3.


New Member
Holiday season every year usually begins after Halloween. So it could be November/December any time between then. I wish they'd just give an official date already though. The guessing game is annoying.


New Member
The usually release major things like consoles and cellphones around the holidays. Therefore, expect it to be September-November.


New Member
Most likely it'll be out Mid-November before Black Friday. I think this would be a good marketing technique to make some money. Mark it down $50 on BF, they get millions. Then comes Cyber Monday...


New Member
Yea forgot about Cyber Monday. I doubt we'll see many deals on PS4 then though. Especially on Amazon.com. Where all of their electronics are severely overpriced.

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