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New Member
Hi guys!
Would really appreciate your help on this one.

So I got the digital version of "batman arkham knight" game on a user that is on my console (and not my main one), and I am playing with my main account on this game through this user.

Now, I purchased this game's season pass for DLC and add-ons on my main account (because I cant change payment method on the other account)

I thought that I can play the game with the add-ons while my main account brings the add-ons and another account brings the game itself, since they're both on the same console, but the game (owned by the secondary account) is not recognizing the add-ons (owned by my main account)

So first, is there a way for it to recognize it?

And if not, I even tried buying the game on my main account (that way this account have both the game and the add-ons), but the console recognizes them as 2 different games (one from me and one from my secondary), and the whole game data, saves and progress I made playing on the secondary's account game are not recognized.

Is there a solution to my problem?
I know its been a lot to read and understand, really appreciate the real ones who read it all lol.

Thanks alot guys!

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