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Parappa the Rapper


New Member
Did anyone of you play this game? Is there a second part I missed?

Some other post here reminded me of it. I just played the demo which was with a playstation magazine. I am not into that type of games normally but I couldn't stop to play the damn demo back then. The music was really catchy and the characters just hilarious.
I wasn't able to play Parappa the Rapper on the PS 1 but I was able to play its sequel Um Jammer Lammy. The sequel also allowed gamers to play as Parappa the Rapper after beating the game. I think Um Jammer Lammy was a far better game because it allowed you to play a guitar and the sound fit perfectly to the music. I think this game paved way for Guitar Hero to be born. I think Parappa the Rapper 2 was released for the PS 2.
Thanks for the info. Will check out if I get them somewhere.

I's quite interesting how some games smooth the way for a whole new genre, isn't it?
Yeah that game was great , I've not played the original PS1 version but I do have it for the PSP and from what I've read the PSP version is much better, whilst still retaining the actual game, the majority of the bugs and glitches have been fixed. I think that it was a great little game and it was probably the predecessor to all the modern rhythm games like DDR and Guitar Hero.
Yeah I played this game as well and I loved it. I played the original version and thoroughly enjoyed it. What I loved about the game was that it so different from many of the games out at the time. However, I do feel that is one of the reasons so many people overlooked it at the time as well. It was great though that the PSP version of the game was released as it gave many players a chance to experience parappa for the first time.
I love Parappa The Rapper! I started from the second game and from there on I just loved the game series, I can't wait to try Parappa The Rapper on PS4 in 4K

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