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No Voice Chat kills this game.


New Member
Don't get me wrong Destiny is a very good game but not being able to chat with other players is frustrating. It removes any type of strategy you would want to use in PvP and it would be nice to just proximity chat with other players in the tower to meet other players and maybe get some in game tips. When playing PvE 1 to 3 man fire teams it should automatically open comms instead of trying to stop what youre doing and invite them to join you. Do you think this is something they will change in the near future??


New Member
I agree it should be on at all times in the Crucible, but I like it the way it is in the PVE. When I'm doing something and a random person invites me to their Fireteam, I'll either join it or not, depending on what I'm up to. No amount of vocal convincing is going to change my mind..


New Member
I think that 90% of people are likely in a chat party of their own. And even if chat were enabled in game those people would be prioritizing their party.. I know that's how me and my buddies go about it.
If I'm not playin with my buddies I like the chat system the way it is anyhow. So I guess my vote doesn't count :/
Except when running strikes/raids alone and I get match made with a couple randoms now I wish those people would use their headsets..... lol
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New Member
I think they should at least put a text chat box on the side for when you're at the tower.


Sniper Kitten
Staff member
Voice chat would be nice to a degree. You can turn it on or off so you don't hear other people's annoying chats or at the very least, be able to talk to another player when you are near them. Something like that would really be helpful when trying to recruit people into a fireteam.


New Member
Bungie announced.. was it.. two weeks ago in one of their 'roadmap' type posts for the game that this is in development - Crucible and Matchmatching Voice Chat.. However (and I agree with this) you will have to opt-in for it, it will not be an automatic thing. Some people don't want it, others want to be able to turn it on and off as they wish (especially if there are trolls in it and it's annoying).

They didn't have a timeline on it, just that it's coming down the pipe. Will make some of the matchmaking stuff abit better.


Bungie announced.. was it.. two weeks ago in one of their 'roadmap' type posts for the game that this is in development - Crucible and Matchmatching Voice Chat..

I thought they had already implemented this--just a few days after the blog post.


New Member
I thought they had already implemented this--just a few days after the blog post.

I haven't seen it? I read it in the post that it was coming down the pipe.. It wasn't in any of the patch notes the last two weeks unless it slipped in under the radar? I'll have to check in the morning.


New Member
I'm pretty sure they are going to implement voice chat or at least text chat sometime soon as alot of people have been complaining about it not being in the game already. (I'm one of those people :D)

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