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New to forum and new to Playstation



Hello everyone, I am an xbox guy but have journeyed over to PS4 tons of great games coming out on both consoles, so I decided to breakdown the barrier and bought a ps4. Tons of good info on this forum have to say I do l like the ps4. The controller is way better than the ps3 that thing was garbage. Speaker is a cool feature. Anyways the games I have right now are infamous second son ( it's ok) and Killzone ( not what I had hoped). Looking forward to the ps exclusives. Now it's a decision on which platform to get the multi plats for. Gta V on ps4 is a definite. Anyways wanted to say yo and I will be lurking around.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! Awesome name :)

Yeah unfortunately Killzone Shadow Fall was a bit generic wasn't it?


New Member
Killzone was BLEH. terrible game.

Infamous is ok.

The PS exclusives of 2015 is what defines the console.
For multiplat, this gen definitely go for PS4 ;)


, , The Enforcer, ,
Welcome to the forum KaoticTaco.

I would'nt say Killzone SF was terrible though,just nothing special.


Looking forward to the order1886 just hope it's not a game full of cut scenes

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