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Mw2 can’t get past violence and timing grenade launcher missing


New Member
I’m not happy! First thing does anyone know how I can get a refund on mw2 for ps5 when it came as a console bundle? I want my money back, they shouldn’t be releasing an aaa game that’s not right!

So basically I’m stuck on the Violence and Timing mission because when I get to the part where you jump in the back of captain prices truck he says to take the grenade launcher but the launcher isn’t even there! There are two other guns on the side of the truck but no grenade launcher and the mission fails because there is nothing I can do

I have updated it to the latest version but can no longer play due to this obvious bug that should be fixed even before releasing the game!

Wth is going on? The ps5 has the most up to date software as well and I’ve already tried rebuilding the database

Update: it was me being blind! The launcher is on the r captains back, wasn’t exactly obvious
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I’m not happy! First thing does anyone know how I can get a refund on mw2 for ps5 when it came as a console bundle? I want my money back, they shouldn’t be releasing an aaa game that’s not right!
You would have to return the WHOLE system AND the game itself. So, if you still want a PS5, just push the MW2 disc on the side and buy a new game.
So basically I’m stuck on the Violence and Timing mission because when I get to the part where you jump in the back of captain prices truck he says to take the grenade launcher but the launcher isn’t even there! There are two other guns on the side of the truck but no grenade launcher and the mission fails because there is nothing I can do
I was thinking the same thing. It's on his back. A circle button will appear. At least it should.
I have updated it to the latest version but can no longer play due to this obvious bug that should be fixed even before releasing the game!
It's not a bug dude, it's just Infinity Ward being stupid.
Update: it was me being blind! The launcher is on the r captains back, wasn’t exactly obvious
That's the thing, Infinity Ward didn't make it obvious.

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