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Most Underrated Game On PS1

Lunar should have gotten more credit than it did. I really enjoyed it and all of my friends did as well. Funny how some games just jump out at you and some of them don't.
I just posted a thread on about Syphon Filter. I don't really know if it's underrated or not, but the truth is that I never hear anybody talking about it. I got so hooked on that game that I remember playing all day long- only stopping to eat or go to the bathroom.
I think that the most underrated game that I have seen on the ps console has to be onimusha. I really liked that game and I think that it was a really good game but I never really saw it get the recognition that I thin that the game truly deserves.
Tenchu. It got pretty poor reviews when it came out but it's the best stealth game ever made. The draw distance is pretty bad but no other game has as much atmosphere, tension or downright coolness.

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