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Microsoft Studios head defends making changes to Xbox One


My name is Adam.
A classic example of a lose lose situation. Make initial good policies and stick with them.


New Member
But Mudgee... they had good policies and then they changed them to bad policies and now they're having to change them back to good policies... Somebody just completely dropped the ball and I would say fire them, but it seems like they've already jumped ship. I just do not understand what was allowed to go on over there at MS, but with the company restructure hopefully this will be a thing of the past.


New Member
I really don't know what is going on in their little heads. One minute they are saying they are dedicated to doing something,
then the next they make an announcement that's actually for the worse and gets everyone upset. Hell sometimes they
will do a complete 180 on what they said and try to go against it...


Professional Escapologist
But Mudgee... they had good policies and then they changed them to bad policies and now they're having to change them back to good policies... Somebody just completely dropped the ball and I would say fire them, but it seems like they've already jumped ship. I just do not understand what was allowed to go on over there at MS, but with the company restructure hopefully this will be a thing of the past.

Is this even about good or bad policies anymore? I think the fact that Microsoft can't keep their words for more than a month says a lot and i think a lot of costumers won't appreciate how indecisive they are as a company.


New Member
Well, after the well-publicized backlash to their initial policies, who is surprised they decided to change? I think hardcore Xbox gamers should feel thankful that they actually had their voice heard and put into consideration. They shouldn't have to defend the changes they made, lord knows they could have just kept things the same and still profited.

It is bordering a bit on flip-flopping, but it's worth it.

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